
“He likes to wear a T-shirt with a photo of a young girl sitting on the knee of an older man, reading “ACCEPTING APPLICATION 4A SUGAR BABY,”...”

The other day on my break I saw a car parked at walmart. AMERICA FIRST was plastered across the back window, flags on the bumper lid and pretty much a cornicopia of racist and xenophobic bumper stickers. “Do we really need a black man asking america for change? [Obama pictured here]”, “BUCK OFAMA”, “U.S. Illegal

I already found a warden candidate:

I never got Grace Messing’s appeal, but I think I’ve only seen her in “Will & Grace” and gay man’s best female friend is not an easy or particularly interesting role to pull off.

“He was raised correctly”

OMG. Nick Offerman used to be hot.

Sure, Jack is campy, but Will isn’t.

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say they should kill off Will and Grace and just have it be Karen’s show.

i fucking love la croix

Preach. Polar or GTFO.

LaCroix sucks. Not enough carbonation. Polar for life.

Fuck ICE. Fuck everyone involved in this. Fuck Trump, fuck everyone who voted for him, and fuck anyone who is still supporting him. Fuck his whole disgusting family, and fuck every bloated white over-privileged person who somehow thinks this administration will benefit him.

I constantly have to shut down requests to open an artisinal bakery down there.

This just makes me sad.

Toby would say this:

Again, sorry to be that person: he’s the director of communications, not press secretary. And some words from Toby seem appropriate:

no one believes you have a girlfriend, bro.

As much as people hate PETA, these places that let you take pictures with tigers are INCREDIBLY horrible. Many claim to be rescued, but breed their animals to use them for revenue. It’s really really sad and gross and disrespectful to these animals.

I literally once saw a co-worker say to another co-worker (who had JUST been diagnosed with cancer) “if he brings you to it he’ll bring you through it” as if this cancer diagnosis was some fucking gift and trial from god 😱

Oooo, those Facebook people make my blood boil. What they find comforting, I find insulting.