Yes, but at least comedian's can put a spin on things to make you think and laugh. This was just... uh... questionable, I guess? I didn't laugh, did you?
Yes, but at least comedian's can put a spin on things to make you think and laugh. This was just... uh... questionable, I guess? I didn't laugh, did you?
Milk is a try-hard troll, apparently.
Yeah, she's not a very good person by the looks of it.
It really doesn't make any sense, does it? She's giving her company bad PR and she's a PR person. Wuuuut.
What exactly is your point? I'm not an arbiter of anything. I'm merely saying thigh gap is UNATTAINABLE for a lot of women. I am saying I had one when I was exercising too often and eating too little. It was unhealthy for my body type. For other women, I'm quite sure they are happy and healthy and have a thigh gap…
Do you mean cum in your food? /puzzled
It came across as something a comedian would say, yeah. But, she's not a comedian and apparently her feed has multiple racist jokes/commentaries in it. I think she was trying to be offensively funny. I really don't think it was any sort of social commentary...
The fuck?? How did she land a PR job anyway?
I don't know if she's racist but the joke certainly was. It was an attempt to be offbeat and funny, but I think it failed miserably. I wonder what went through her head while she strung together the poorly thought out quip, "AIDS! BLACK PEOPLE! BEING WHITE! How can this joke go wrong?!"
Please leave the comedy to the comedians. Thaaaaaanks.
I feel like doctors are sick/cruel individuals. It reminds me of how when I gave birth the doctor/nurses left the placenta on a little table in front of me. /gag Or how, exactly like in Knocked Up, they placed a mirror for me to see my kid's head popping out my vagina and it looked like a horror show. I was like, "I…
Nope! I just know thigh gap is unattainable for a lot of women. It's a combination of bone structure and weight. To say that Beyonce has one as if it's an insult to say she doesn't gives off the wrong message to impressionable women and girls. So I'm not bitter, just pissed off.
Yeah, what a thoughtless post.
Try harder. :)
I lol'd. Sorry. :(
Kay. Ew! Both ways? Dare I ask?