I stand corrected. Lawerence v. Texas slipped my mind. The absurd homophobia in Scalia’s dissent made a much more lasting impression in my mind than the majority opinion in that one.
I stand corrected. Lawerence v. Texas slipped my mind. The absurd homophobia in Scalia’s dissent made a much more lasting impression in my mind than the majority opinion in that one.
“Many” opinions?
I’m very familiar with them having made several donations. If you speak with Lucien Greaves, their founder, he’s adamant about calling himself a Satanist. Yes, it may all be an act, but they treat it as a serious religion to stand up to scrutiny in their court cases.
I don’t want to argue with anything you just said, because whether I agree or disagree, I don’t think it’s relevant to the point I’m trying to make here.
Disclaimer: I’m a lawyer. I find that I tend to focus on legal nuances that might not matter as much to non lawyers.
When I say “blow out of context” what I mean is…
Please don’t disparage Beelzebub or any other demonic/Satanic figure. They’ve done nothing wrong to be thrown in with this train wreck. Actual Satanists in this country are leading the legal fight in Missouri against draconian abortion restrictions.
And even if something absolutely isn’t true, Trump and his people will repeat it until half the country believes it
If only Vegas would let me gamble on predicting right wing talking points.....
After reading Kennedy’s opinion, I’m not sure that they got it wrong. It does seem relevant that the allegations happened before Colorado recognized SSM, and some of the statements made by the Commission, while the sorts of things I would say on here or in an argument with Christians, are not the kinds of things I…
This is theslot/Jezebel. People come here for hot takes and entertaining comments sections.
Kennedy supports a woman’s right to abortion but he’s also been perfectly fine with signing off on states limiting that right as long as they don’t get rid of it completely. Following that history, this doesn’t surprise me much.
He reminds me of so many libertarians I know. They answer the philosophical questions about…
Kagan AND Breyer. Breyer doesn’t ever get his name in the news, but he’s been a solid liberal pillar going back to his appointment under Clinton.
The Right Wing Echo chamber is totally going to blow this out of context though.
After quickly reading the Majority opinion, I don’t have a huge issue with the holding. The fact that this happened before Colorado recognized same sex marriages seems like a crucial fact. The baker is still an asshole, don’t get me wrong.
The part that disturbs me about this is the pages of Kennedy describing the…
Not to comment on the MJ/LB argument, but I feel like Phil Jackson is the part of that Bulls team most likely to engage in court side cannibalism.
The last time Lebron was working with talent was on the set of Trainwreck with Amy Schumer, Bill Hader, and John Cena.
Maybe Google should stop giving him money if he’s going to falsely accuse them of slander or drag them into Congressional hearings? Or give him more money? I’m not sure how this supposed to work anymore...
I think the issue that keeps being overlooked here is that the anthem policy has a disparate impact based on race. I’d look at this as an Equal Employment Claim. The NFL hasn’t really even tried to offer a pretext for this.
My Friday needed this.
I feel like I should reply to this to clarify. Of course Kennedy and Roberts are going to vote with the other Conservatives on the Court when it comes to standard Republican and Conservative issues (with Kennedy standing up for basic Abortion rights and SSM, and Roberts occasionally going the other way).
My rubber…
Give us boring white millennials what we want! Add in the cover of Toto’s Africa that Weezer dropped yesterday on youtube.