Rube Goldberg's Razor

Na. You know if Obama read Trump quotes, the same people who love Trump would suddenly start saying, “see, we told you Obama was a fascist! Look at what he just said!” I really don’t need that in my life.

From a strategic perspective I kind of get it. Think about how much Paul Ryan’s had getting anything done with his majority. The Senate Republicans are not as conservative as the House Republicans, so on pretty much any serious issue, you’re going to have one group of House Republicans trying to push something they

I feel like the right apple can really feel like a baseball in your hand. Maybe that’s just my personal preference from my dad attempting to use catch instead of words to bond with me but I think I could get some decent velocity with aim with the right apple.

The wife of the former head of health policy for the United States of America doesn’t know how HIV works. Brought to you by just another day in 2018.

With our esteemed Christian Soldiers locked a loaded and itching for more Middle East destruction, millennials can put college and graduate school on hold to help kick in doors for the upcoming occupation of Iran.

Isn’t Bibi in some kind of mess about corruption right now too? So domestically he’s got his own problems to worry about distract from.

Yeah, in my experience, the odor is your genitalia sweat from all that action, not the jizz itself.

I’ve gotten inconsistent because from the time I learned typing at 6 to the time I got a job with two hipster lawyers at the age of 28, I always used two spaces. It’s muscle memory. It’s what my right index finger hits the period, and then my right thumb presses twice. I’m one spacing in this comment because I’ve gone

Read this article and let hipsters yell at you for awhile. That will surely undue 25 years of muscle memory.

For what it’s worth, Rafi has an article this morning that talks about the report. Not sure if it goes into as many details as you would like:

Some interesting threads on here, but one thing I haven’t see brought up yet, is how issues outside of Washington are going to effect the 2018 vote. We’ve seen teacher strikes in 4 states now I think? West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, and Colorado. I can’t speak for these other states, but in Oklahoma (where I live)

I’m 35, single, a lawyer. I did my taxes in February. Because of the change to the deduction, I went from itemizing last year to the new standard deduction this year. My huge savings? Roughly $115 per month this year. That’s more money in my pocket, yes, but it’s not going to change my quality of life in any way. All

I’m sure he’ll have a completely different and contradictory set of standards for himself.

Two things;

1) Let’s not insult Ann Dowd who has nothing to do with this.
2) Anyone who thinks this was an attack on a woman’s appearance and not a comparison of moral character and authority is revealing that they can’t look past a woman’s physical features.

Every family event, my mom to me, “don’t bring up politics.”

Every family event, someone that’s not me, but who is staring right at me, “I wonder what the family liberal has to say about this?”

At some point, the kids of people today are probably going to be able to access an archive of everything we ever publicly posted online. I can’t help but think that 20-30 years from now, that’s going to be awkward for some people.

The only way this could get better is by some cosmic twist they were both the father.

That’s the headline I want to red: Trump and Hannity co-father playmate’s aborted twins!

Ummmm.... Can we talk about this horrifying tidbit from the cited Quinnipiac poll:

This is all hearsay, and I’m not presenting it as being any more valid than that, but if you want something to make your blood boil (especially if you’re an underemployed lawyer), I was told a few days ago that Sarah Greenwalt, one of the aides who got the raise, has an interview to clerk for the newest Oklahoma