This is the same guy who doctored evidence to try and speed up a man’s execution with an experimental lethal injection protocol while AG of Oklahoma and faced zero consequences:
This is the same guy who doctored evidence to try and speed up a man’s execution with an experimental lethal injection protocol while AG of Oklahoma and faced zero consequences:
I’ve also lost 35 pounds in the last year. JRPGs work pretty well. I tried playing a Grand Theft Auto game once and I found that all of the side to side action and turning led to me unconsciously drifting off the treadmill belt. Even with the slow pace of JRPG I find that I personally can’t go at a run and while…
I got a used PS3 for the extra bedroom where I have my treadmill and put it under a wall mounted tv. I use the wireless controller to play through old Final Fantasies from the SNES and PS1 eras that I’ve downloaded on to it. I’ve walked so many miles playing through FF7 again. (Currently on a FFIV bender though).
March: In like a lion, out like anthropogenic climate change!
He always makes me wonder what happened to Barry Pepper
5) One of the Obama girls. But instead of there being anything bad, it’s just a 400 page portrait of how much grace and poise her parents showed in office and serves as an exemplar for us all to follow.
I’d take a Trig Palin biography written in the style of the Benji chapter from Faulkner’s Sound in the Fury.
You’re still arguing completely different points than what I originally raised. That’s why I think you’re an idiot and not worth my time. Goodbye.
I’ve never taken the position that deploying the military on the border was illegal. I’ve never said those words. I’ve never stated one position on it one way or the other. I corrected your use of legal terminology and you started assuming that I held positions. All I said was that this was in fact domestic law and…
Again, I practice in OKC where the average rate is $175. Insult me for billing at 174% of the local rate if you want, doesn’t hurt my feelings.
Yow know the kind of arrogant twats I hate? The ones who read a few articles on the internet and think they’ve acquired a mastery of legal education that outweighs a career…
It must be nice, right?
Congrats on building your strawman!
The only point I’ve ever raised with you is that Federal Immigration Law is a matter of Domestic Law. That is the only point I have raised, but you keep wanting to talk about Barack Obama.
I work in OKC where the average rate is $175, if you want to insult my rate, that’s fine. I don’t really care. I’m tempted to slit…
If you’re offended by Kevin McDugle’s comments above, one of my best friends coincidentally was hired last week by Cyndi Ralston as her campaign manager. Cyndi is an educator with 30 years of experience running against this anti-education guy.
Check her out:… an Oklahoman here. We’ve got an Educator with 30 years of experience who announced her campaign against the McDugle idiot mentioned in the article above yesterday. She’d been planing to launch…
Every minute I spend talking to you is one less minute that I bill at $300 an hour. So I can argue with you, who is limited to quoting news articles and shouting “whataboutisms” and who will undoubtedly reject out of hand every legal precedent I cite, and not make a dime.... or I can go talk to other lawyers and get…
Please tell me where I made the accusation that Barack Obama did not do this. Please quote that language to me.
I have never made that assertion. I’ve simply pointed out that you don’t understand the law you’re talking about. If you don’t get the distinction and nuance there, then it’s even more evidence that you…
Yep, confirmed that you do not have a legal education. Carry on. Not worth my time.