Rube Goldberg's Razor

I get what you’re saying. It’d be great to see one of the 3 nightly news anchors do that. The problem with expecting it out of Todd is that even though he does have his daily show on MSNBC, his big weekly show, Meet the Press, is Sunday mornings on NBC. The reason MTP has maintained it’s level of prestige among

With Trump though, I’d keep in mind that perjury isn’t the only crime involving a lie. You could arguably have lies made outside of the context of sworn testimony that are viewed as obstruction of justice. It’s also possible that he’s already given testimony in one of the many lawsuits he’s been involved that is

I loved Burn After Reading from the first time I saw it. I was shocked when I realized that the rest of the world didn’t love it as much as me.

It’s one of the good Nicholas Cage movies. He plays a suicidal alcoholic who sells all of his possessions, takes his severance package, and all of his savings, and goes to Las Vegas to drink himself to death. There’s a lot of chugging straight from the bottle if I remember correctly.

Cage was phenomenal in it though.

I started college in a couple years after this came out and that’s where I was introduced to it. It was one of 5 or 6 comedies that was always on someone’s DVD player in college. If you get through college without learning to love a few cult movies, you’re doing it wrong.

The point of abstinence only education is to keep them virgins until an older white man gets a chance to molest or rape them.

You forgot to put in there about the time he endorsed an alleged child molester for Senate.

That was my thought. I live in the opposite world in Oklahoma. I was listening to a candidate for county office talk for over an hour yesterday at a seminar. I’d never met the guy before and stood up from his talk assuming he was a democrat because of the things he said about increasing the tax base, criticisms of our

Ugh “there way”

there their way”

The part of me that went to graduate school for literature is self loathing right now.

Sounds like we’re about the same age and I remember seeing girls who dated guys in their mid to late 20s in high school. I was dumbfounded with why their parents didn’t care as well, but I think I realize now that there are a lot of teens who grow up with parents who don’t really care where they are or what they’re

I was about to say something like “way to be creepy France” then I remembered that I live in a US state where the age of consent is 16, and then decided to shut my mouth because of all that stuff about glass houses and throwing stones.

Highly recommend season 1 of this show to anyone who found there way to the comments section on the post about the season 2 trailer without having the seen the show before.

My Congressperson’s intern told me I was a liar and hung up on me for reading a quote that same Congressman had given a news outlet that morning.

I personally hope there is a lot of suffering behind that specific intern’s NDA.

Weird Al puts a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart.

I presume that Stormtroopers are not generally GMO free

I came here to say that Scalise should be used to getting shot down

I didn’t know I needed to be interested in Portuguese food, but these dishes sound great. Thank you for this piece!

For the love of god, knock on wood.

They want to keep the teenage girls STD free for Roy Moore.

The Republicans need to put forward a “Sexual Molestation and Harassment Abstinence Program” for their elected members.