
I know you guys think you’re being acerbic with this kind of stuff but like have you seriously considered the possibility that you’re just assholes?

Tall people problems.” Snark and dismissive and likening them to privileged whiners. Surely you’re familiar with phrases like “white people problems” and “rich people problems”? Surely Clover is, and even in as such, still chose to write that?

Chill girl. Also, damn. Enjoyed your other stuff, but it seems like you’re a douche.

Thanks for understanding. I take it you can go buy clothes in a store and not feel like everything was made for a liliputian.

How about none of us have to take orders or suggestions from you since you don’t work here.

Uhm, hey. Reader who “doesn’t comment” here. The complete rejection of dissent exhibited by Jezebel writers on this thread has lost it at least one faithful reader and ally. I know you don’t care (afterall, I’m just an “internet rando”), but I betchya will when your bosses finally find a writer who’s capable of


Why is Jezebel being so mean here? “Gripe?” Really? I can’t buy shoes. I can’t buy pants. Every flight I go on costs $1,000 because I LITERALLY do not fit into seats. I’m thankful for this show. And of course these women were athletes. If you’re that tall as a child you get pushed into it. I LOVED playing NCAA

I’m also a longtime jezebel reader who is commenting for the first time. I agree with The Original Piedmont Blues and the other 92 people who have starred the OP’s comment. There was no call for the snark, and no call for the unprofessional behavior.

How about none of you who work at Jezebel seem like you can actually take any sort of valid criticism of your work without turning into whiny children about it. Part of being a professional in any line of work is that you’re going to be criticized from time to time. That’s just what it’s like to be an adult, man. I

how about you chill

I’m 6’1” and it is admittedly great. I can always see at concerts, I can reach stuff on the highest supermarket shelves, people always remember me, etc. That said, formative years like those spent in high school, are pretty goddamn hard on the unique. Sticking out, being the taller than every single boy in my class

Yep. I’ve started straight-up telling people that it's rude and hurtful when they refer to me as “huge”. Ummm nope. I’m tall. Not huge, not massive, not gigantic. My former eating disorder called, it says Fuck You.

A desire to take up less space horizontally when I was so outsized vertically at 13 was definitely a contributing factor in my eating disorder.

Oh god seriously. my height was a huge factor in my ED and I’m around your height. The snark is ridiculous here.

I have to agree with the other commenters, why the snark against tall women? As though they are not marginalized enough? Or are you just incapable of sympathizing with anyone’s problems that aren’t also yours?

5’10”, could have written this myself.

My mom is over 6 feet tall, very broad-shouldered and just sort of big all over, and STILL has so many food/appearance issues for failing at being dainty and feminine, and she’s 65.

I’m 5’9 and I got bullied for it so much at school that I developed a slouch that has never really gone away. I’ve always felt unfeminine as a result because I am not dainty and petite. And guys can be super fucking weird about women who are taller than them. My ex didn’t like the fact that I was one whole inch taller

I don’t understand the snark (“gripe” “tall people problems”). Being a tall woman in a society that idealizes female daintiness, portrays women who are taller than men as threats and ineligible for romantic relationships, and even cautions us not to take up too much physical space can be emotionally taxing. I’m only