
I really thought it was kinda ‘ok’ for S1 until The Winter Soldier reveal, then it really picked up.

I felt totally ready to bitch the hell out of the whole BASIC scene, and the programming on the screen. All ready to let rip and rant.

Indeed. I was thinking another article about politics from AV Club and then read that and all was forgiven.

Joss can be a bit of an angry so-and-so at times, especially when he is stressed but, in everything I've seen about him I don't think he'd care about any credit even if he had been more majorly involved.

Yup, any time for supergirl to appear in the other shows had to come out of the shooting schedule, so she has to be sidelined in her own show to make room. The CW planned shows all have downtime built into the schedule whereas Supergirl didn't work that way. Should be less of a logistical juggling act next season

So, you have a choice. You can wait for the show to give you a "WTF, did that just happen moment?" which is a nice bit of stunned silence when, say, Eros moved. Or… you can have the "WTF, and oh crap, I've just stayed up for hours reading because Eros just moved and I had to read the next 5 chapters to see what the

Now when i read the books, when I read Avasarala I hear Shohreh's voice, so great casting to my mind.

I like the way they've brought the novella stories into the main storyline. Shame we'll never get to see Drive :(

They did an amazing job on the Navuoo leaving, it gave me chills of the size of the thing I never quite picked up on from the books.

I need to re-read the books, with the way parts of book 2 were brought forward I am getting blindsided every week with "wow, they've showed us X already" when it felt like a slower reveal. Lots of good stuff coming for sure.

With the way Leviathan Wakes was setup, leaving me thinking half the time "so are these stories even joined at all?" two was enough POV's not to drive me totally mad and have too many threads going on. More POVs after I'd got to understand and appreciate the world they were in I could handle as I kinda trusted this

This x 100, it left me thinking an awful lot about how we make people who are different or we disagree with "them" and stop being real people.

But I'm already on zoloft and if you take away my internetz I'll have no new cat gif's to keep me going!

I just watched it again and I agree about Freeman! His whole smiling, singing along, oblivious to the words and "thats nice" just totally summed up his character!

Agreed. I don't know if anyone else had more restraint than me, but thats how I watched them, a pair at a time. It has been split into more manageable chunks but each book is basically a feature film with an interval in between and it needs both parts together to really tell if they pull it off.

It's a fair point. I also approached it for escapism to get away from an exhausting job and the complete wtf of life in general at the moment, but after watching the whole season had a different takeaway from it. More of a "life is a lemon, so make lemonade".

I agree. I was interested after the first pair of episodes, but not hooked, but as each pair came along its voice became stronger as it became more confident in itself and I became completely sold on it. The final two episodes, when it finally became free of the constraints of "another guardian" it came into its own

I agree. I've listened to the final song a dozen times and it keeps getting better. It sets a tone for the show to aim for in next season in a bit more consistency. NPH both in his singing and also his expression is chilling and just shows what he is capable of when he isn't OTT.

I see what you did there, is it back on yet?