
your cat died

I. Ya Mar, Blowing off studying for Pre-cal test but yolo, Harpua, Texting Steve about that Harpua, Calling Mike’s Song, Wading in a Velvet Sea


Go home, hug her, find your smile, and all is right in heaven.

Layman’s terms? A teraflop is one thousand billion FLoating-point OPerations per second. So quite a few, in other words!

this looks pretty dignified to me.

Goddamn, you are catching an inordinate amount of shit for this. I’ll admit, I was on the fence until that baby decided to go chapter and verse from the Manifesto; now, I’m mostly wondering just how weird the comments are going to get.

It still amazes me how many people don't understand the concept of free speech. You're a moron.

Am I the only one who sees this on his arm?

The sound clip they played at the end reminded me of this:

This is fucking irresponsible and just asking for trouble.

I’m concerned for the 1/2 person. I hope he walks out of this ok. Or just sits there. I’m not sure which half we are talking about.