
Do you complain when something you see in an advert isn’t as amazing as in real life to the same degree? A teaser trailer is the exact same thing as an advert, it’s designed to promote it not necessarily reflect the complete game which was still in dev at the time.

A lot of them probably aren’t doing it to be watching to make sure you do it right, but rather out of curiosity. Myself, I’d rather watch some guy replace the brakes on a car (even one that isn’t mine) than sit and read People, or watch CNN.

Srsly. It’s like, “Dude. I don’t care if you have a bunch of coke. You’re not a baller. You manage an El Torito. Also, your coke isn’t that great.”

Oh no, I’ve never been in the service industry. I’m saying I’m this sort of customer, and that it would probably be easy to steal from me.

You could probably get away with it if you limit it to certain customers, like me, and leave it at a relatively small amount. When I get the bill, I write in the tip and the total, sign it, and I leave all the receipts behind. I wouldn’t check my credit card statement unless it was ridiculously out of line, so if you

Wait, are you seriously suggesting that it’s wrong for customers to document it when service workers treat them horribly, because you routinely “fucking lose your shit” and treat customers horribly and you’re afraid someday you may face consequences for it? If your job is too much for you to handle without abusing and

I’m Hard of Hearing, and Starbucks is a huge fucking nightmare for me. Usually I’ll go to a really small one that is the third Starbucks in a 500 foot radius so it’s not busy at all, but a few weeks ago I went to the biggest, busiest one because it was on my way to work. When I got up to the counter to pay, I couldn’t

And you can tell this woman’s first language is not English from her Facebook post, so fuck people who are trying to subtly justify this treatment even harder. Watching store clerks snap at my family members who can’t understand rapid fire English leaves me with zero interest in seeing this from the fake manager’s

Yeah, I’d say it’s assertive instead of passive aggressive. She responded to aggression with assertion, which is ideal.

I really don’t see that as passive aggressive. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.” Ok. You’re sorry - legit apology. That’s normal. Also, you didn’t hear the person. That’s a statement of fact and lets them know that it was unintentional. That’s cool and a normal thing to say and makes sense. “You don’t have to yell”

That’s what you took away from this? She didn’t have to yell. That’s insane. If telling someone that is passive aggressive, then I don’t know what kind of VIP treatment you think this barista deserves when she’s literally humiliating customers for no reason.

Yeah, but sometimes the double whammy of paying for a service and then having the business offering you the exact opposite of that service leaves a sour taste that has to be rectified by more than just turning the other cheek.

It offends me sooooo much. I HATE it when people forget their commas!
It should me “Sodomize me, Jesus” and not “Sodomize me Jesus”.
Get it right people, jeez.

I guarantee when it’s brought up as you’re facing God it WON’T be funny.

Bro. Bro. Bro. Slow tf down. To talk about your points A) You’re racist and islamophobic, the Charlie Hebdo shooting was done by an extreme splinter group who the majority of Islamic people do not agree with. Though if you want to hold extreme splinter groups up as the face of whole religions you might want to talk

It offended you so much that you had to come here and tell us over and over again. Have you thought about maybe, you know, not clicking the link? There’s a lot of stuff in the world that offends me, yet I turn the other cheek (Didn’t someone you respect say that once...?) and go about my business. You, “pushing your

This, this and more this.

Dear person who sold his brother’s cat:

The ending to your story was not happy; your behavior mirrors that of junkies and alcoholics all over the world, with the primary difference being that your “fix” came from a PS3, rather than a needle in the arm.

Heartless shitbags sell companion animals to fill personal wants;

The sad thing is I would eventually learn that the family who I had sold this rare cat to owned the local Chinese takeaway, to this day I have idea of the fate of Twinkle, but I like to be positive in life and not believe in stereotypes. In the end I made the £200, which was enough to buy a second-hand PS3 from Game,

This young lady was suspended for wearing a halter dress to school because it was distracting to her male peers. She publicly went on record saying that maybe the boys should stay home from school so they can practise some self control. Love her. She is getting a butt TON of coverage. Fighting the good fight!