
My mother will keep calling it ‘couch’ anyway.

I’ve been in some of these ‘think sessions’ and seriously, it’s just a long painful blah blah blah just in order to see what kind of catering will arrive through the door that day :/

Oh the parent company. So coach will still be Coach as a brand. Okay, not a change I will register. Call the parent company “Midlevel Luxury for middle class women”—I don’t care.

Color me... underwhelmed. It evokes old, formal, heavy fabric. These brands aspire to be modern classics, and Coach is historically known for its leather. It’s a disconnect for me.

They just should rename themselves to Travesty.

that isn’t really a problem with cultivation so much as distribution and waste (we can adequately feed everybody on the planet with all the food that is grown on the planet; it’s just that an enormous percentage of it goes in first world garbage cans). it’s the systems and incentives that are fucked up, not the

Oooh, let’s make this a celeb twitter encounter thread:

Soooo it looks like this is just a marketing stunt rebranding less fatty (likely less-flavorful as a result) avocados, since the linked article says “It is a product marketed under the brand Isla Bonita, of Eurobanan, which features a selection of avocado varieties with 30% less fat than the avocados that can usually

Good. The rank of Eagle Scout still commands major respect, and I cannot think of an equivalent rank in Girl Scouts.

Kids spend all day interacting with the opposite gender - that’s what school is for. Scouting is a safe space where boys can be boys and girls can be girls. That said, the two groups would meet. They’re only saying separate dens. Dens are smaller working groups, usually segregated by age - tigers, wolves, bears, etc,

Twice the distribution network and the BSA can finally ditch the popcorn gimmick. Let it go dudes, Cookies beat popcorn every time.

Den’s are pretty small, pack’s are the larger units will will be co-ed. My Pack had like, four den’s per age.

All I know about scouts, I learned from Troop Beverly Hills.

Because the Girl Scouts do things like accept trans members and let you not say “God” in the pledge (although it’s still there) and don’t have hangups about gay people. I’m not sure at the moment, but as recently as the late 90s you couldn’t be an atheist and be in BSA.

My cub scout den did an adventure around theater last year where they developed their own performance and performed it and then they went and saw a middle school production of Peter Pan.
We haven’t touched anything sewing related, but they also won’t let the kids have knives yet, so that may be a safety matter.

I’m a cub scout den leader.

Man, can’t they just leave the boys alone to wear their short-shorts, knee socks, brightly colored broaches and jaunty neckerchiefs?

I can sort of see why, having smaller units single gender make various protections easier to manage. Right now both scouting organizations allow for male and female volunteers but with different restrictions based on gender.

I think a lot’s going to need to change for Scouting to not die. I guess it really depends on your district, pack, etc. but I’ve found they’re almost comically stuck in some conservative’s 1950's wet dream of childhood.

Eagle Scout, Assistant Scoutmaster, and merit badge instructor here: This is fine.

Honestly, Scouting needs to be more inclusive if it wants to survive. The Mormon Church was unofficially running the show for a long time (hence the shitty track record towards the LGBTQ+ community), and only recently announced they