Hold up- I hadn’t heard Harder was still going after Gizmodo. And multiple cases apparently, including Jez, Anna and Emma specifically? Where the hell have I been? And also- fuck him
Hold up- I hadn’t heard Harder was still going after Gizmodo. And multiple cases apparently, including Jez, Anna and Emma specifically? Where the hell have I been? And also- fuck him
Vote Baba Yaga/Chicken Leg House 2020!
Man, Peter Thiel must have just gotten a massive erection when he heard this news.
*Gets popcorn out for Gretchen Mol to come forward.*
There’s are two standout comments on The NY Times article. The first blames Ashley Judd for not speaking out earlier (I do not get this mysterious anger that a lot of people seem to have against Ashley Judd.)
I came of age in the 60’s and 70’s, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different.
OH AND ALSO coming of age in the 60's and 70's doesn’t mean that anti-harrassment training in the workplace hasn’t been in a law in California since 2004.
Malodorous sex with Idris Elba or Kate Winslet?
Still, maybe malodorous sex is better than no sex.
This movie was always going to essentially be “your boyfriend Idris Elba being heroic around you.” I kinda want to see it, kinda wish everyone would just let me be thirsty at home.
Ingrates! Here’s a roll of off brand paper towels you lazy bastards!!
My understanding is that uterine rupture is made much more likely when there’s that scar from where the previous baby was MacDuff’d out of there. The likelihood of rupture is still low (around 1%), but if there is rupture the mother could bleed out, and the fetus could die or suffer serious brain damage from oxygen…
Ha, we had a very similar situation. I was in labor for 36hrs before my husband and I made the call for a c-section. I didn’t progress past 6cm dilated, and was having tremendous contractions every 90secs. After my C-section, the OB who did my surgery confirmed that my daughter was posterior (sunny side up) and she…
I had a 40 hour labor after being induced due to sudden preeclampsia. The doctors were essentially forcing my body to give birth when it wasn’t ready (I was 39 and a half weeks but I just didn’t want to I guess). My fetus was totes happy and healthy and comfortable the whole time, but was potentially gonna kill me.…
I suspect that the bad relationship between physician and patient is the root of the issue here. Which is why I wish the first line of care was always a CNM. There’s a different mind set between providers that can make or break how a woman feels about her birth experience, even when the situation goes sideways.
When my sister ended up with an emergency c section for her firstborn, one of the things i learned from the very cool doctors and nurses who were there is that the heartrate is often one of the last signs of fetal distress. A baby in distress diverts blood from other organs to maintain the heart and brain, so they can…
My first was a bigun, and I labored for 36 hours with him. His shoulder kept getting stuck in the birth canal, but because he was that far down, it was too late for a c-section. Thankfully, my doctor (who was a total calm and comforting bad-ass miracle worker) was able to gently finally get him worked through and he…
Just want to say I am in awe of all you warriors telling your delivery truths on this thread. It blows my mind what women go through to hatch a human. I occasionally have to tie off umbilical cords or towel rub revive on newborn kittens and I almost pass out. You have those babies and then guard them for ever, the…
Yep. I knocked mom’s blood pressure through the roof a month ahead of time and they induced labor but she just couldn’t dilate enough (a nurse she refers to as “Nurse Ratched” actually yelled at her for not dilating fast enough after several hours, the doctor threw the nurse out) so they had to C-section. Everything…
I just had a c section in May after a failed induction. I can only speak from my own perspective, but I was in labor for 24 hours before the c section. I was induced at 41 weeks after a picture perfect pregnancy (only gained 15 pounds, never had the pregnant lady waddle...it was amazing). My ob/gyn suggested that I be…