
I know people keep saying they don't use the million and one features in Office but it will be that one feature that Google docs doesn't have that makes it worth it. People don't need or use the trillion and one apps on the iPhone or Android by that is the only negative when people think about Windows Phone.

Similarly, a Kindle reader can highlight passages and create a note on their Kindle with an "idea" keyword. Then go to your Kindle Highlights in a browser. You can review your notes and highlights on each book you've taken the time to annotate.

This. A million times this. I don't *want* to pass on the right, I am forced to do so.

Ironically, if she'd passed the red truck on the right, she would have been in a much better position to see the stopped traffic in the exit lane.

Or he was a guy on vacation with his family filming the goddamned Louvre when some self-important jackass and his enormous entourage wandered past and demand all the peasants stop filming and photographing. Jay Z was the dick here.

Yeah I picked that up too, high school english FTW!

I decided to do this a while ago for almost all of my bills just to get the rewards points. If only I could pay my student loans with my credit card that would be freaking amazing.

It's a good suggestion, but many bills don't allow payment by creditcard, and require direct debit from a bank account. This may allow consolidation of a few bills, but for most people it won't allow all.

And I'm tired of rich people (minority) running this country too.

I have to ask this:

If the intent is to show that the teenager isn't of sound mind/capable mind to decide the fate of a fetus, isn't it equally as easy, if not easier, to argue that the same teenager isn't capable of raising a child?

There was no public transportation and they couldn't afford for BOTH PARENTS to take off two days of work to take their ONE CAR to get this done. They also didn't have the money for the abortion. She didn't really have another solution. Not really.

Why anyone beyond her immediate family cares about this girl's uterus is another, deeper mystery of American culture, one beyond the purview of a Friday-morning blog post.

"Why are women so afraid to say "no" and instead lie to get out of a situation as quickly as possible?"

Er, did you see what happened when they actually said no?

It's nice of these guys to give the women around them such a clear and undeniable red flag. Most people have to wait weeks or even months to figure out that a guy is a piece of shit, they're really saving us all a lot of time here.

Because it might be someone you see every day and you'd rather not deal with the awkwardness. Maybe someone you work with, or see at the gym, or someone that's a friend of your significant other. In some instances it might be better to try and be polite without opening up your privacy.

I get the distinct impression that this woman has been on OKCupid for a while, has grown immensely frustrated with the quality of messages and dates and dates that threaten to happen but never do, and has thus decided to just lay it all bare in one massive spew. The better course of action would be to deactivate her

Not if you are trying to showoff your one-legged jump suit on the red carpet it ain't! :)

Yeah, shockingly I didn't get laid...or have any sort of sexy fun while skinny dipping. That was later that night. The skinny dipping itself had nothing to do with sex, everything to do with being casually nude and not giving a single fuck about it. Which is totally fun.

Obviously she didn't pray enough.

I am not sure I believe that they were really in risk; I believe that she was trying her best to make it work and find a way to take care of her kids.