Destiny, a video game in which players travel through the galaxy and battle against random loot tables, is by most…
Still my personal favorite, mainly due to the guy who is unable to hold it together on the intro
It turns out this Rare platformer is hiding some dark secrets.
Sometimes parents really don’t understand.
World of Warcraft players are, in a very literal sense of the word, grounded. Many of them don’t like that one bit.
And now for a short Destiny story.
Love it or hate it, there is no avoiding the fact that Sword Art Online is one of the most popular anime of the past…
Naked demons, and demons with nipple rings are perfectly ok though it would seem.
Looks like those demons are getting serious upgrades, huh?
UPDATE (7:12pm): Well now here’s an interesting addendum.
I can’t wait for the DLC add-on that introduces “lizard” and “Spock”.
Last Tuesday, a Reddit user named DemonCipher13 wrote a passionate call for help on a subreddit dedicated to Destiny,…
You know that it plays Halo games. You know it will run Gears of War. And you probably knew that it looks smaller if…
You know that saying, don’t hate the player, hate the game? Fuck that. I prefer the whole “crush the skulls of your…
Sit back, make yourself comfortable. Grab yourself a nice drink. Whiskey, maybe? And then enjoy five minutes of some…
Feeding whole watermelons to large animals and uploading the resulting videos to YouTube is a thing that people do,…
As someone who is a competitive multiplayer nut, I’m not too miffed about the lack of a raid in the upcoming Destiny…
Bits and pieces of any big multiplayer game start to gather dust over the years. For League of Legends, the game’s…