
Er... Except it is actually the title - look it up on Amazon. Or is my head cold making me miss a joke here?

His use of emojis offends me deeply. 🙄 🤣🤣🤣🤮

Thank you for writing this. I’m a woman... So I guess get shunted into the “woman’s issue” category, but as an early adoptee of body-dysmorphic extremes, I’ve always just felt alone. Thank you for bringing up the fact that for some of us, no matter the workout, no matter the starvation, we don’t and won’t achieve what…

Thanks for the video... This man is so kind, and articulate, and just... A good man. I admire him and it's awesome and moving to see his whole speech.

OMG, wow he used to look like a regular dude! (Maybe a bit of a schmuck but nothing extreme. ) He doesn’t even look that smug in this photo, I never would’ve recognized him. Quite the before and after...

Thank you so much for writing this.

Definitely ask your doc about adding something! (I’m terrible about this myself) I’m bipolar, so I know that even when everything else is calm, everything can still be blowing up in your mind. I take Wellbutrin and Pristiq, but it wasn’t until a new doc added Seroquel that I saw true improvement. It’s also very…

Noooo, hamachi is my jam!

Thanks for your answer! I also Google all of it, I have enough going on already, so I’m an active patient, I guess you’d call it. I have to confess I just found out I've also been cheated on recently which really has my mind going. Ugh.

So as someone who will soon be re-entering the dating pool, I read through this and a weird question popped into my head...

U mm... Wat?

Yay me too! I’ve got big ones so straps first means I’m just falling right back out. Hook in back inside out, bend over, drop 'em in, straps up, adjust as needed :)

Hmm, I use 3-4 hooks, (big bewbs 4 eva)... Rotator cuff injury on one shoulder. I think I’m in the middle of the blue and red techniques? Hook around back (late 40s so muscle memory ftw?), bend over, jostle into place... Tuck in the sides, adjust nipple placement, and good to go!

Okay, first hook around in back, then lean into it while pulling the straps up, then make sure all the side-boobage is tucked in and nipples are rightly placed. The only way!

Sigh... I know what you mean, but in the throes of my divorce I have to say, revisiting these old standbys isn’t the end all and be all, but it does feel like a natural part of the process. These songs which I've not had any thoughts of for over a decade, suddenly feel more relevant. I think it's a good indulgence if…

I will soon have an ex husband. Not of my choosing. I don’t know if I’ll return to this community to mourn, but I hope so. It... Hoo, yeah it sucks big time. Ty for reading this.

Here’s my situation... Never been a cook, let alone a good one. I’ve always been well fed on the talents of others. I’m heading into a chapter of life where it’ll be in my best interests to try and cultivate both motivation and skills in that area. So my big plan is a meal prep service, a couple times a week. It can…

This has me in laughter-tears for some reason.

OMG all the stars! Brilliant!

“If Don Jr sexts... “