
Thing is, the issue isn’t just whether someone died from the virus or didn’t. Even folks with “mild disease” (mild in this case is defined as everything up to hospitalization), as well as those hospitalized that survive have long-term issues, usually with lung function. So while the death rate definitely means

I think this is where the Camden example would help... They disbanded/fired the entire department and forced everyone to go through a rigorous rehiring process that included psych evals, etc. They also ditched the union, and then rebuilt it as well. It’s a very interesting case study!

Thank you for articulating this!

Oh no! The last thing you need is the hassle of multiple trips like that. I'm limited to a month at a time because of insurance, and it makes me worry about having a buffer for supply issues. My previous pharmacy (rite aid) wouldn't resupply one of my meds on a consistent basis, and would routinely give me the wrong

It’s squirrels, definitely squirrels!

Absolutely! Actually it was about eight years ago I caught the work from home bug and was lucky enough to get to keep doing it. I was already highly productive, but I was twice that from home! Unfortunately I was laid off a while back and until we hit the pandemic everyone wanted in-office workers. I'm hopeful that

Also, I’m worried about rents going up from all of the people who can’t pay, since at least for now the govt funding has turned their backs on the problem.

Actually,I saw a brief interview with the PPE guy and he was very low key about it. And btw, the full story is even crazier. But his attitude was “what matters most is that we got the supplies we need for the short run”. He's not out there trying to get people to feel sorry for him or anything.

Hey there! Really struggling right now to focus or actually DO something. I should be working on getting interviews lined up (laid off months ago). But my brain is stuck in neutral, and all the hard work I put into training my social anxiety to just chill and allow me to talk on the phone without panicking has gone

Good god people, WTF????

I don't know about San Francisco, but I know New York plans to hand out masks to the homeless and people in need.

That’s exactly been my interpretation of his clips lately. It looks to me like he really does want to cultivate positive change.

That’s right! No more towing cows! Let them walk, the lazy bastards.

Hey man, firm poops are always cause for a hooray!

Short answer? Yes, he thinks we can shoot it. Also, it won't get us if we hold our breath and close our eyes real tight.

Now playing

Very interesting clip on the nsaids question... The whole "MedCram" series is fascinating - check out the one that explains why putting someone on a ventilator used to mean certain death, but doesn't anymore.

Ooh, idea for a penalty - which you're right, may be the only incentive he'll pay attention to: for every day he defies the order, pay 1/365th of a year's income.

I’m so tired of the comparisons too... Yes the number of deaths (so far) is lower. However, the death rate is 3%-1% (taking into account the possibility of tons of milder cases). Flu is zero-point-one percent. 1% vs 0.1%. and the r naught for the flu is 1.3 (each infected person infects 1.3 other people). Covid 19 has

I signed my divorce papers on Valentine’s day, last year. I was devastated but for some reason the timing actually amuses me now.

Doing the Lord's work there