
I know, right? One of my first thoughts as well. Or hell, just plain saline solution. :/

Into the... wait what now ? Hrrrrrrrmmmmmm

Oof, that’s what really got me right at the start... First of all, this man goes on a list. For history. (#45). So right there, eternal embarrassment... My plaintive reaction was, can we just skip adding to the list this time? And now, now I can only partially fathom what will be written about our bread and

Yes exactly... Production companies would be all like, everyone gets paid less? YASS baby! Seems like that would invite either one time attention to it or a downward spiral of negotiations for everyone.

Thank you!

Oh no, I am so sorry. I feel a bit like a camrade in arms because I’m bipolar II which is all depression all the time, with some comorbid GA in for good measure. The saying is true - don’t let the turkeys get you down. Jez is a great space!

YESSSS we are!!! I cannot even think of a book on Kindle that I’ve ordered full price but this did the trick! We’re reading that book, mutha-fuck-ah!! Now that I’ve heard about the audio evidence it will be with even greater Glee 😉

Omg I know what you mean, I love a good downpour, and I’ll sit on the deck or near a window for it... Something so soothing about it. The thing I love the most is that sightly warm breeze once the evening’s cooled a bit, paired with the sound of the distant ocean. Cold? I would prefer snow, for it’s something of a

I guffawed :)

YES thank you! Glad to see your product diary up here. It gives me... Hope? Satisfaction? Anyhow, makes me feel a bit better about being that woman who does pretty much the same, and does quite well. This doesn’t make me feel like I’m a freak for not applying night masks/several foundations/something else beyond my

Okay I’m merely a lurker but your spatial scenario is too awesome and I give it a thumbs up!

Love it!

I’m a sparse commenter but I’ve missed you, fwiw 💗

Jinni, as usual, thank you for your well thought words. I treasure these folks’ inputs as well, and as for me, I hope they return 💗

This shit is fucking me up. How does this man have a “team”? “Supporters” outside of his own social circle... It brings back unwelcome memories, and I guess I’m just grateful my experiences didn’t expand to a national scale. I feel for these women.

Thank you Australia!!!

Omg, I’m reading this whole flurry of discussion that blossomed from your innocuous comment. These folks seriously need to take a breath. I think it’s lovely that you’ve found a resource you can draw upon for gifting, that makes both you and the women in your life happy. A good find, I say!

Oh no, honey... Fellow well established introvert here -possibly far more than you, but still. My extrovert husband has had to do a lot of work, I think, to try and understand where I’m coming from. Your situation sounds sooo similar, and both of you need to recognize that you both have completely legitimate and fine

OMG these are the ones that really terrify me. I’ve always had a deep-seated fear of intruders lurking in my house :/

I’ve had it twice and both times were over the top terrifying... So it’s true, I didn’t experience surprise but instead mortal terror.