
Shut the fuck up.


That’s a fantastically stupid take.

Tons of crazy elderly people in Florida, too. Every time something really nuts happens, it’s an old crazy person. There are many stories here on Giz about them.

> elderly

as a new yorker, i can absolutely confirm to you that shitty behavior in public late at night is not even remotely limited to 13-25 year olds/under-30s. lmao

As they’ve already established that it won’t do anything to people over 25, this does nothing to stop people over that age from being in the same place.

Also, why is it wrong for fans to be pissed off at this casting decision. . . yet perfectly accepable to be pissed off when Scarlett Johansson was - very tastelessly - cast in Ghost in The Shell? Or when they were going to set Akira in the US, essentially making the entire cast white.

It’s exactly the same. If the

Now playing

Sapkowski is probably not going to like this, and nor should he.

By all means, I’d be happy to see someone CREATE a fantasy series with people of colour in, hell exclusively POC - give me something like The Witcher but set in feudal Japan with all that culture’s mythology and folklore, I would watch the hell out of

To play devils advocate, though... assume the scene is exactly the same, except that Joel Kinnaman is being tortured instead of a woman. Putting aside the excellent point she makes, that the payoff is greater when the tortured exacts their vengeance, does it say anything about us that it’s considered so much harder to

Or the Chinese word for monster. :\

Nothing like just saying things instead of making an actual argument. WHY do you believe piracy to be wrong? What moral precepts support this assertion? At least pirates who “rationalize” their actions are making an argument - the moralizing side you belong to consistently refuses to back up their vague “feeling” that

“These things are not equivalent. Piracy can still be a major problem, even in the absence of a measurable impact on the sales of media. For example, the entirely false perception of rampant piracy can have adverse effects on the likelihood of individuals to offer works to the marketplace in the first instance.”