
I keep my chocolate in my stomach.

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

I’ve owned houses, nice ones.

Folks always talk about power fantasies and MMO’s as their go-to route to get distracted from the real world, but the Sims series has always felt like the best form of escapism in video gaming.

Quick, Draw! is stupid and it should be ashamed of itself.

...why is it so expensive...

I’m gonna disagree. I bought the first a few days ago after seeing the sequel was coming out and realizing I hadn’t played the first still. I haven’t made it through the first mission yet because while the mechanics and gameplay are pretty interesting, and the story is a bit intriguing, I’m just not drawn in

Here is as good a place as any to discuss the rise of Donald Trump to the highest office in the land.

That’s not what they said at all. The fact you’re projecting utter crap like that says more about you than anything.

Here’s a consideration for you. If the characters themselves don’t matter because it’s just an FPS where you point a crosshair then why do you even CARE if a character is canonically gay?

Seriously, the

Never underestimate people’s willingness to vote against their own best interests.

Your comfort is not worth my silence.

This POCKY is making me THIRSTY

Goddammit, lock that shit up in a gun safe and the bullets some place else.

I love the hell out of this. People get too wound up thinking their day to day is boring, and that there is nothing significant about all of the little things that add up in our lives.

Longtime Klonoa fan here. My mostly-complete copy of Klonoa for PSOne is one of my rarest and most valuable games (and I’ve got Tron Bonne sans demo disc and complete Suikoden II, among others).

Some choice McCree quotes to spice up your next sexual encounter:
“Draw!” (while firing)
“Like shooting fish in a barrel.”
“Back in the saddle again.”
“Feels like I’m bein’ possessed.”
“Payload’s movin’ out.”
“You gotta work on that aim.”
“My ultimate’s ready.”
“Happens to the best of us.”
“You done?”

This article deserves a star. Great writing and was a pleasure to read.