
evolution does exist most certainly— but not the trans-special kind.

pasting this due to lack of time at work...

all the time :-)

Here is one theory as to how it would work...

because travel across the globe was so common back then... I get it.

Not my job to do your work, sorry.

I understand Dr. Don Patton has found it, and has done great work over the last decade+ in gaining the trust of local leaders to get to it and document it. As I understand it, the ark is broken in two pieces, and underneath a glacier making access to it very difficult. He was supposed to return there earlier this

And we all know their sordid history of keeping people enlightened dont we?

We could equally argue that many (or all) “college educated” kids coming out today who “believe” in evolution, are arguably complete morons—which would not be true... but hyperbole and sweeping generalizations dont move the debate forward to be sure—on either side of the debate. “a small subset”??? the poster had

They all possess Doctorates. And, they all VERY likely have >75 IQ’s. Could their titles be more clear?— yes— but the list of non-stupid “creationists” stands. We can mince words about “scientist” vs. “Doctor”— but none of them are known to be knuckle-draggers.

The prior poster made the claim that the “main disproof of creation” is the “stupidity of believers”—even going so far as including the IQ of “<75”... I think I addressed that quite appropriately.

those are good points— and while I am no expert on animal husbandry, it is my understanding that the ark was designed (over a long period) and with food storage in my mind, of course... and that not every type of lizard would have been brought along.. It is entirely plausible that a few types were taken and they

True— no one is right about everything...

as spoken in English— you are right... But, you may note other languages pronounce words differently... Even Spanish and English versions of the same name sometimes sound markedly different.

2 of every “kind” — and they didnt need to be full grown, and all types of “dogs” didnt need to come on board, for example... plenty of room.

Hopefully these lists show how that many learned humans have advanced key scientific concepts for the benefit of all mankind, yet still understood and believed in creation... Are there a handful of questionable inclusions on the list? maybe— But, one should get the sense that the collective back-slapping of

..from the more modern period..

...and just AFTER Darwin...

..and from just BEFORE Darwin...

..and from the age of Newton...