
@dillinger23: Yeah splitfish is actually coming out with the fragfx v2 so id probably wait for both options to come out. If you check out the reviews on the fragfx on amazon theyre pretty positive with most people saying it works almost perfectly if you set it up according to the manual.

This next one needs to have infrastructure mode. If it had that i bet itd not only sell more in japan but also sell more here.

Theres no real good way to tell what the best games are on the app store. Theres so much junk on there i can never tell whats worth getting. The top 25 is totally useless because you'll see the top downloaded game only has 2 stars. Im not explaining why the app store bugs me well but it does.

@AJ Glasser: I sold the painting too but i guess i was red. Maybe if id waited till he turned into a giant spider and fought him in the sewers i couldve stopped IT.

Man i love this stuff. All the random things make the sims "fun" if you can call it that. I remember i got that stupid crying clown once. It came into my house and just walked around me and cried. You couldnt do shit with him. I tried drowning him, that didnt work. Had to just delete him. I dont know what the

Chris Klein is still alive? How did that happen? I thought we left him for dead ages ago.

@Mister Jack: I think what won it was not how it was applied but the effort that went into making it work. That is the most realistic effect ive seen in a while i have to say and i think thats what won it.

@Mister Jack: Check out the video of them doing the cgi for benjamin button on gizmodo. Its pretty insane so i thought it could have gone either way.

@Mister Jack: I thought of dark knight as a psychological thriller more than anything. It shared alot of similarities with silence of the lambs which went on to win 8 oscars. I know that comparison sounds weird but if i had the time i'd explain it.

@BxB402: By that logic michael bay movies should always be nominated because they gross more than other films.

Totally down for it but i want another psp game. Maybe based on niko.

Robert Downey's performance in the iron man game was so freakin awful. Just listen to that and you'll see cage's point.

@Procne: I reckon if he has no arms and is in perpetual pain, not being able to play rockband is the least of his worries.

@Adam Hall: You could get a bootleg version on the pc since you already bought the title the first time...

Aww man tennis lessons thats awesome. I wish id have gotten lessons when i was kid. If that were the case i wouldnt suck so bad now.

A rorschach mask would be awesome. That way i can cover up how freakin lifeless my avatar looks. Sony needs to make the avatars seem more lifelike.

@Meohfumado: If they make a starcraft mmo i hope its 3rd person shooter esque. Or they make it what planetside should have been.

@jwesburn: You are dead on my friend. Dead fuckin on.

@Endless Fighter: Yeah but then the charlie villenuevas would eat you.