
I rented it and thought it was ok. I love spaghetti westerns though. I just watched a couple sergio leone movies again the other day and then unforgiven came on tv which is one of my favorite westerns.

@Sparkimus Prime: Don't go spending all your good will though. I seen a couple guys get a star for one good post and then rub it in everyone elses face.

Sparkimus totally deserved a gold star for that one.

Stop taking risk and make battlefield 3 for us god dammit.

@I, Amsterdaam: Hahaha. I never understood how anyone could like a greasy carny like him. I remember his original stage show was fairly impressive, but the stuff he does now is just awful. Half the tricks ive seen him do are most definitely lifted from other performers. His little shadow trick is a total reproduction

At first i thought this was a screen of an upcoming Criss Angel: Douche Bag simulator.

@McDollar: I dont know how much buckethead is actually on the album considering he left axl in 2004. Buckethead is too good for the axl rose project anyways.

@Archaotic: Im sure sales will go up just based on the ffxiii demo and the advent children pack.

Why dont they realease REAL gnr songs and not this overprocessed axl rose garbage. They need to put out fuckin Appetite for Destruction. I dont want this garbage.

@Kobun: Ok i see your point. And i agree i never went near the lob button on the game although to be fair getting a lob pass a player is fairly difficult for pro players and for rec players like me. Although im pretty bad, im about a 2.0 on a good day lol.

@Kobun: Have you ever actually played tennis or watched a match? Theres no way virtua tennis 3 is "incredibly realistic" Im not saying its not a good game, i mean i been playing since the dreamcast days, i just think its kind of goofy is all. It just seems bizarre that vt encapsulates all that goes into hitting a

The virtua tennis games were almost too arcady for me. You could basically dive at every ball and return it no problem. Probably not the most realistic tennis game.

@gahazakul: Yeah i was upset at first until i saw it was a psn live game. So i figure itll be very limited and ill just have to sit on my hands till we get a true sequel to battlefield 2.

Eh.. I want to see it first. Bf1942 was one of the best games of its time but now i dont know if itd be all that great. I even recall it picking up some goty awards, but the whole wwii thing just isnt doing it for me.

I swear to god i had a dream i was playing a new sonic game and it was totally awesome. Then halfway through the game they introduced a new "innovation" of wooden loops for sonic to run through except the loops served no purpose but to make him run through them forever. So ever since the dreamcast died sega has been

I dont mind that i have to wait for your review. I think the concern for some people though is they want to know if its worth getting on launch day thats why they're clamoring for the earliest reviews.

@Spidery_Yoda: The orignal article from vg247 says the unannounced game is console only so i dont think its bf3. If it is bf3 then im going to be very pissed off because that game belongs on the pc.