
@whytookay: I really hope they stick with the not too distant "future" of bf2. That is far and away the best battlefield game in my opinion. I was rubbish at it but its great to play in these big wide open arenas. There really is nothing like it. My guess is that if it is bf3 it wont be as big and open as bf2 was

OMG BATTLEFIELD 3 PLEASE!! My god its time they brought out the big guns and show us the future of the franchise.

Even if this ad does air tommorow it'll still probably be relatively effective. This is not about the creative side of marketing. Its about airing an ad that will get a 40 rating and a 60 share. That is, by the time the ad is over at least 80 million people will know what a killzone 2 is.

@samfr: Yeah i agree. This would be a perfect psp game. Just as long as they dont make the psp version really crappy.

@Gilbert0: I actually really liked orlando bloom's cameo. He was great. Ian Mckellen was freakin awesome too.

@DarthMetalHope: He was hilarious on extras. At the end where he ask if Dame Diana if she still has her avengers costume, that killed me.

According to maxim this game is better than killzone 2. I think someone on the last podcast alluded to it.

@NeVeRMoRe666: I freakin love football but the no fun league just rubs me the wrong way. Fining pacman or suspending players who have disciplinary issues i think is totally fair. But how do you fine a player for a legal hit? Thats how dumb the league is. If troy polomalu hits a guy at full speed and the guy gets hurt

@EvilMetsFan: I totally agree with you. If you look at the comments for the last article its a bunch of people who think espn is spanish broadcasting saying these older players are just a bunch of over paid prima donna's who just want to add to their millions upon millions. The truth is these are mostly guys who

@NeVeRMoRe666: Exactly the NFL makes a freakin fortune, why the hell do they need to swindle old players or fine current players for making snow angels? Are they that damn greedy?

@Gyaruson: The older players who have been battling the nfl for years over shit like this. For instance players from the 60's who didnt get paid shit while they were in the league have been trying to get medical compensation for ages.

@Captain IceKong: The majority of my play time has been as a bad guy although i do agree playing as a good guy is more satisfying. Then again while playing as the good character i triggered the tenpenny tower "incident" and havent been able to play as the good guy since.

@one_is_enough: I especially hate that girl at the gate. I seriously wanted to end those kids. I did get one enslaved though. Kind of messed up. Then again my evil character is not suppose to care he just kills everyone.

Id be ok if they made a new psp next year. Im actually ok with the one i have now though. I like all the games i have on it so i wonder if bc would be possible.

@stchoo: Yeah he often times gives out 2 different star ratings for the same movies too. One for whether he would recommend the film and another for whether the film accomplished what it set out to do.

@Trowble (XBL/PSN): That fight was freakin crazy. I honestly dont think ive seen sugar shane fight like that ever. And then right afterwards roger federer came back from 2 sets down to beat berdych.

I dunno i never liked nate robinson. There were a couple incidents where he came off sounding like a bitch. For instance having the nerve to ask Larry Holmes who he is. And lets not forget him winning the dunk competition after attempting the same dunk about 400 times.

Did Fahey admit to having sex with a unicorn?

@kylo4iskyle4: Yeah doesnt sound like he has much personality...