
God kill me now. This game will still sell millions upon millions while nintendo keeps telling us it hasnt forgotten the core. I like this video better []

I hate the warhawk expansions. I think theyre a total ripoff considering we payed 40 dollars for the game and it only came with 5 levels and no single player. Where as halo 3 came with single player and 11 maps. Plus map packs cost 10 dollars for 3 and one map was actually free.

@Dave Silva: Psp doesnt have bluetooth as far as i know. It does have a mini usb port though. Well not that it matters since i think this rumor is bogus anyways.

Not crazy about ds3 support since i never plug my psp into the tv or anything. Its a great companion on the road or around campus though.

@kingmanic: With some fava beans and a nice chianti.

Sorry hate walmart way too much to listen to their ideas for other companies. Pbs had a good documentary on walmart's evilness.

Nbc used silverlight for their online olympics coverage and it worked pretty well but i dont see it taking any of flash's thunder. Does msoft really need any more money anyways?

@Clamchop: Yeah i didnt like the voice acting and thought it sounded exactly like the guy from Uncharted. Apparently it is him which is a little jarring and im really not down with drake being the prince but we'll see.

@Playstation: I agree i think home will get pretty old pretty fast. The thing for me that will make it worth it though is if it ends up being like the lobbies in PSO where you can get people to go into a game with you. Other then that i dont see much allure to it.

Jesus dont drink the tiger!!! My god that is awful asian beer. When i go visit relatives in Nam they mostly have tiger beer or heineken and god dammit i hate both. Tiger is just awful.

@TMFAN: You forgot to add ALOT OF FUCKING PRACTICE. Man that game makes my head hurt. Im awful at rhythm games and dj max just pretty much murders me.

@modren44: Yeah most games that had a diplomacy option usually punished you for not having a wicked huge army to conquer with. Im just going to assume my civilization of sasquatch/alligators needs to eradicate all other species off the planet.

I dont know about you guys but i always preferred the square breast of the original. Nice and symmetrical..and big.

We need more eye games. The eye can do alot of the same things the wii can do, they just need to develop stuff for it. I hope the eye doesnt get passed over like the eye toy did. I mean if the eyetoy can have a 1:1 sword fighting game there has to be great potential in the eye.

@jtyson: Haha nominee for a nominee.

@Passa: Well halo 3 didnt exactly have any new features but that doesnt stop it from being fun. Game recordings was done by bf2 for instance although most people ignore that fact and credit bungie with the invention. Who cares who had it first or who used the idea already. As long as it is implemented well and plays

@ShirtGuyDom: I agree. In fact a bad strategy would be cutting the price. The goal is for the ps3 to become profitable by the end of the fiscal year not to sell more systems then the other guy. Cutting the price would negate that.

@teraphony: GET OUT MY FACE!! GET OUT MY FACE!!!

As well worded as his sentiments on the piece are it still involves the twin towers being blown up by aliens.

I dont have a problem with qore at all. Maybe sometime down the line if they have an exclusive demo then maybe ill cry foul but as it stands its just like picking up a magazine.