
@jasongw: Yeah that joke wasnt funny the first time you used it either.

Wow that bump fell off alot faster then i thought it would.

@Ad-hominem: Nuh uh he escaped with that annoying blonde lady in the chopper at the end.

@Đipic: Doug lombardi just came out and said theres a 50% chance theyre going to port it to ps3. He also said something along the lines of theyre going to have to take the ps3 seriously in terms of developing for it since theres i dunno 15 million people with the device. So gabe newell can suck it.

Yay my pc is getting a new game im so excited. Cant get enough of zombies.

@Brian Crecente: The cleft i have not read, ill have to look it up. But ill not talk about the road till youre done reading it.

I just finished reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy a couple days ago. That is a fucking fantastic book. Ive always loved McCarthy's writing and his post apocalyptic story is incredible. He won a pulitzer for that one so its certainly worth checking out. Its an easy read too.

@FP Bleentastic has cake: Oh if its a qore update it will probably be the first issue of qore i buy unless they have an episode with a lbp demo.

@Mommar: Much better argument. See i can do with that. Not trying to be the troll police just trying to sift through what youre trying to get at. Its good of you to elaborate your point since most people just skip past reading the articles and other comments and go straight to flamebaiting.

@Mommar: Well im just trying to figure out what you consider freedom in a video game. Apparently you believe these type of game play mecahnics are unacceptable for a good game and the only reason this game can succeed is based off its graphics.

@Mommar: Because killing 15 guys in a warehouse with a machine gun to get to a cutscene that is always the same is total freedom?

If mcwhertor is impressed then im not too worried about the qte. I doubt his take will stop the detractors hate though. The comments for the trailer were probably the worst ive seen kotaku commenters outside of kz2 post.

@Sorshha: That was always my favorite part of the games was the training room.

AAHHHH!!!! No Way! I fuckin love queen. I remember Brian May walking past me to the elevator in Las Vegas a couple years ago, i almost shit myself. How is anyone suppose to match freddie mercury though. I think id fail out of Somebody to Love at the very beginning.

I use to play all the warcraft games just to watch the cinematics, seriously i always thought and still think theyre amazing. That being said i love the warhammer universe everything about it just seems cool. Im not totally sure but i remember hearing that Blizzard had actually wanted to make a warhammer game but

@snakepliskin: I was talking about lbp in the second part. Man im fried, staying out late since my last semester starts monday. Awesome.

@Spartan1308™: Yeah i thought the throwing was a little too jerky. I also thought targeting with r1 was one part unintuitive one part totally useless. Havent tried the last guy demo yet but it looks fun.

Force unleashed was ok, was not blown away by it or anything. Id rather have another kotor game.

Wait wait, sega? The sega that makes sonic? Lets just hope they decided to nix the turn her into a werewolf idea.