Snake Charmer

Can we get them to bomb the Imperial Vally and Yuma, AZ? It's way too hot to go to the river right now.

So does this mean space aliens are all blonde?

If Ted Williams was still alive he'd be the first to say "Get my name off that damned thing!"

Conspiracy nut theory —-> My guess is the real reason your Albertsons is taking the self-check out is because they can't pay union dues. A couple weeks ago the union was about to go on strike (again), but that suddenly went away. Maybe the stores agreed to remove the self-checkouts?


I just started re-reading the Sitchin books. He had some very interesting theories on Ancient Aliens. I also find it interesting that some people think Comet Elenin is Niburu, and if that's the case, the Annunaki have been visiting Earth for at least 50 years.

I guarantee I'll see one next week... Comic-Con baby!

Why would Europeans so far ahead of American Indians in every conceivable way want to take over the New World?

I simply reverse the last two numbers in my phone number. That way I don't have to sing the whole damn song every time I forget my card.

If they screw up and blow up the Earth, well... you won't have nothing to worry about... ever again.

Are there dinosaurs on this island. Because I think it would be cool to capture a t-rex and bring it back to San Diego and let it run amok.

Now playing

Does Paul Moller know they stole his idea?

I don't know if it's true or not but Ron Paul does know a thing or two about finances. Here's a quote by him...

I live in earthquake country too. What kind of currency is in my bugout bag? Silver. If things are really bad after the big one we may have to pay $20 for a gallon of water. I'm thinking I may be able to get it with a couple pre-'64 quarters.

Kudos to Chris Evans and the Captain America people for giving the military some love.

And here I am, usually have something good to say... still don't have a star. But at least I have a G+ account!

Have they ever tried not being ɔıxǝןsʎp?

Seems to work OK.

I think the Doctor traded Apple some future tech for some spending cash.