(Using Stark manufactured weapons and degraded super soldier syrum.)
(Using Stark manufactured weapons and degraded super soldier syrum.)
No, its a quite amusing troll move actually. The hardcore fandom deserved to have deliberate fun poked at them from time to time.
...less that 300 casualties?
Gives +1, immediately ejected by Joey Crawford.
Yeah, but it’s really hard to get excited about badass moments when they’re all about good guys beating the crap out of each other instead of ya know, that bad guys.
Cool. Spider-Man is now going to be called “Underoos” everywhere. That's going to be both funny and sad.
They weren’t changing the color of the sun. They were just terraforming it so it would be hospitable to them and also kill off the human population. They’d still have their powers because of the yellow sun.
Good for that ref, honoring the time-tested unwritten rules of the game.
“For the first time in a 33-year NBA career, I saw a referee make a point of going out of his way and walking into our huddle and baiting one of our guys into getting a technical,”
Caught the whole thing right Deron video.
yep, of the click variety
Yep, io9 must mandate a monthly ‘Crap on Man of Steel’ posting just for clickbait. I liked the movie, it’s fine if others didn’t. I just get tired of it getting so much shit online.
*logic bomb*
It took me a few rewatches to come around, but I actually feel the Pa Kent scene works on some level.
Yes. Because that’s what most internet commenters do — whine like they think anyone who makes these things gives a shit.
From whats leaking out it sounds like its the Batman fights Superman show, which is stolen by WW in the end. Thats just fine by me.
in their defense, they have show all 25000 charcters
They’d have to renegotiate a bunch of likeness rights, probably.