Sir Not Appearing in This Film

“Hey cool thread!” should be a band name.

The Unicorns

So we’ll see Uwe Boll’s IS Defense in the next few months?

Did you click on the article? James did his job.

So not reboots.

You just have to be smart about the variants. How much above the pull lists do you have to go for a shiny 1:X variant and how much can you flip it for? Marvel Title X has 32 pulls and a 1:50 variant. You can probably sell that for ~$35. Adding the extra $36 (assuming 50% discount is met) to get it probably isn’t worth

Zero Hour

Because that’s what sells. Unless you have any evidence of the contrary.

Yeesh. The market has spoken.

One of my buddies owned a comic store for a while. It turned out not to be what he thought it would because, in his words, you couldn’t think like a fan anymore, it was a business. I would help him out with menial tasks around the store (in exchange for at-cost comics). I was always amazed at some of his employees

These are the same shop owners who most likely badmouth the publishers and the books to anyone who will listen. Those types of comic shop owners deserve to go out of business.

Comic fans love “meat and potatoes” books. Things outside of the norm rarely do well for an extended time. Just by looking at the examples you posted:


Look just admit you hate women and minorities and move on with your life.

This is parody, right?

I’m not getting the joke here.

Did I say that? What does that have to do with what I actually said? Also, how does my anecdotal experience work as evidence for the greater population of pirates, especially when I myself am not one of them?

Sounds like a bunch of horsehockey to me.

All you’re proving here is your own malicious ignorance.