
Horror-game renaissance? What renaissance? What great horror games came out in the last seven years? I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm generally curious to what I can check out that I've missed.

No offense, but I find it kind of hilarious that a dude with a My Little Pony avatar and username made that comment.

Totally agreed. I love the ugly dissonance on those records.

Yeaaaaaah, The Last Man On Earth really toys with my former adoration for it. It's like an ex-boyfriend you wish could get his act together so you could truly love him. I mean, he did make you happy before right? Right?

…that's actually a thing. Even in the gay community.

I liked the Tim Burton movie. Fight me IRL.

Honestly I can't stand her but I WANT to like her. It's weird. I find her smarmy and obnoxious, like a female Daniel Tosh or something. I think this series will turn me around.

Even with the bitterness of an absentee ending, I sunk more time into this game than any other. I don't know what it was, but playing it was so fucking hypnotic.

It's on FX, so it will probably be better than most of the stuff on both of those networks.

I didn't realize I missed it until you mentioned it. Now I'm sad.

Right? It's so short and sweet. The thrown pizza never fails to make me laugh when I rewatch it.

I did not know that. Thank you! Any in particular you remember being way more crass than you imagined?

I wanted to like Sunless Sea so much, but goddamn, it got tiresome. Also having to read "him (her?)" about fifty trillion times made my brain hurt.

I stopped watching. Kid Cudi is really handsome, but it wasn't enough to get me to continue enjoying the show.

"Anthology series" more commonly refers to season-contained narratives these days. That is, new characters and plots each season with a similar general theme or setting. Those seem to do pretty well.

Agreed on all fronts. They also know how to beat the shit out of a dead horse with their callback jokes.

Which begs the age old question…

Type "bae" into google. Urban dictionary is the first result. Oh right, you just wanted to bitch and remind everyone you don't know what things are.

Did you finally join the "Kristen Schaal is hot" club? It consists of pretty much everybody.

Dr. Black is kind of a weird one to choose. Chief makes sense. She has props. Should have went with Dr. Blake Downs.