
Don’t worry. I just read a response from GeorgeJeffersonLives (or something like that) excoriating me because of a comment I made about Oprah. Poor defenseless Oprah, who will surely be irreparably harmed by the comment I left here. I dismissed them, but he left two, one to let m know what “an asshole you really are.”

I remember - maybe it was around the time he had to speak in front of congress and waste taxpayers’ money - he made a snide comment about getting in trouble for making fun of someone on the internet.

Exactly. It’s nothing they have to sort out (not that any person could) because they’re stupid, uncaring people with money.

A tall piece of walking, white, fried shit.

“I’m kind of (but not really) curious about what “women’s empowerment” means to these morally bankrupt twats.” Something to sell, that’s it.

“Many women don’t believe in abortion so roe vs wade being struck down would be great.” What? In what way does this make any sense?

I can’t imagine because I’ve never created anything like that, online or offline. And I’m not sure what you mean by “locked out” - they stole it from her.

What does that mean? I was agreeing with you.

Pence looks like something brought back from the dead.

Seriously. Reading articles about them has murdered my wit, being inundated with their colossal stupidity and vapidity day in and day out has rendered me just as braindead as them.

Who slept with that person? He’s just so repulsive.

“We don’t really have any idea what we’re doing,” Trump admitted at the kickoff event, “except we said, ‘We’ve got to go out and tell people what a great guy Donald Trump is.’” This is so staggeringly stupid. And she is not up to the task.

“I mean name me a story about black people in the 17th, 18th, or 19th century that doesn’t involve them suffering.” Suffering by itself isn’t so much the problem. Every person alive suffers. It’s that these movies always traffic in *trauma*. That’s a big fucking problem. Black people, people of color are not allowed

Thank you for the link. I’ve started reading it. Do you know how things are going lately for her? This article is over 2 years old.

Look at your screen handle. Grow up yourself.

Now playing

“I’m sorta sick of these kinds of movies too, it’s like the only film by/about black people that get much critical / award attention are stories about Slavery and if not Slavery, the civil rights movement.” People, just allow people of color to be people with, I don’t know, lives. White people get that same privilege,

“I’m hoping that some independent outlet with no corporate overlords decides it’s important enough to press ahead with the tough questions, even as the studio handler tries to shut down the interview.” It’s shocking what interviews the corporate overlords will and won’t shut down. All of those people are just the

It’s the only kind of generosity I can extend him, and the only kind he and FOX Searchlight deserve.

“What is important to me and my family is that we show a wall of defense that can not be broken.” That is the most a person who’s been brutalized in that way could hope for. That’s the truth. If you ever feel that you’re not doing enough, or not doing it right, please know that’s the most and the best you can do.

“I guess if using his family and a “culture of toxic masculinity” to do it didn’t work he’s moving on to the next thing to try to avoid being asked tough questions.” Maybe they should do an interview-type therapy session, or a therapy-type interview, all of it on camera, livestream so he can field questions from the