“I think it’s because they only have two modes of relating to women — lust and contempt[.]” This, a million times over.
“I think it’s because they only have two modes of relating to women — lust and contempt[.]” This, a million times over.
Hard pass, thanks.
Be gentle with yourself. He’s a piece of shit. I wish I could give you a hug. All the healing for you, <3
“The door is locked. Is it more likely it is in use by me or that someone locked it for giggles and shimmied out underneath on the gross dirty floor? A not very funny joke they will never see the reactions to?” Dying. I laughed so hard that I even drooled a little.
There was no attack. None. I can’t fathom where you read an attack in my comment.
“so bc i type these responses quickly with little attention to grammar and punctuation im not a lawyer?” Someone with good or excellent grammar doesn’t need to think about, it’s just how they write. My grammar’s not so hot; it’s something I have to pause and think about, or something that someone has to point out to…
Oh, that much is certain. What’s going on beneath the surface in his interview is proof of that. He’s a piece of shit. He’s being *pissy* because someone interfered with his Big Moment and he feels absolutely justified in his undercover show of force.
Give it a year or two, there will be another Oscar-bait movie about slavery.
“This should be about learning about how you ruined this woman’s life. And where is the regret and apology for his continued harassment of her after the event?” THIS! Why hasn’t there been anything in his interviews about this? Because he wasn’t convicted of rape, it seems to me they focus on that because it can be…
What a perfect comment this is. Thank you so much.
“Boil boil toil and trouble, let me get an Oscar in spite of what I did to somebody who shouldn’t count.” Thank you. I cannot thank you enough for this.
“But now I’m over 40 years old and now know that every time a black movie comes out, we’re given the guilt trip that ‘if we don’t support it, no other black movie will EVER get made in the future forever and ever amen...’. I’m ready to call bullshit on that.” The best part of this bullshit guilt trip is that it’s…
Thank you. That’s what makes their newest angle so damn transparent. An Oscar-bait film about slavery comes out every few years or so. If their tack is that it’s too important to miss, then why haven’t they made *more* films with black film makers? There are docs and countless books about Nat Turner, if people are…
No, but aI did follow my two other, older Gawker accounts that I forgot the passwords to.
“I’d have more respect for her if she just admitted that they shipped some bad batches or had to reformulate.” Lol, surely you jest. Have you ever read her response/transparent attempts at face-saving to being called about... oh, I forget exactly at the moment. But her face-save attempt came in the form of a snotty “I…
“We’ve had a really positive effect on so many people’s lives, and it’s a dream come true, because that’s all I really wanted.” LOLOLOLOLOL
Draper James isn’t much better, but that’s another story for another day.