
Ron would definitely be pro-gun but thinks using semi-automatic rifles for pretty much anything is for babies

Parks was the perfect Obama-era show what with it’s calls for decency and kindness in the politics and the lead couples love of wonkishness. Today, it would make everyone just depressed because we no longer live in that kind of world

Trump still plays “YOu Can’t Always Get What You Want” at the end of his political rallies (?) and even after the Stones told him to fuck off and stop playing that song, he still did. 

not to mention her feminism and steadfast belief in civility and decency as a way of bringing people together

“let’s go stop mass shootings and fight the NRA!”
“Whatever, sure, why not”

Not shown are the reminders that say “Do Not Say ‘No Collusion’” “This is Not Fake News” and “Please, For the Love of God, Smile”

This has been pointed out a lot but the comparison between that thumbs up picture and Obama crying after Sandy Hook is hard to miss. Fun fact too: the Republicans made fun of him for crying. Real men, I guess, don’t cry when notified of the death of elementary school kids in a school shooting 

I know- members of your family are dead and you’re stuck with having that demented, inarticulate shit bag be the one who has to console you. It’s just another reason to hate where we are right now, this is the kind of stuff Obama was great at- and we’re now stuck with this

In a weird way, I kind of commend the administration for putting Trump into a situation where he has to appear both empathetic and articulate. It’s not like he’s even remotely good at either of those things

They get a yellow card

except player changes are fun. Arguing over whether X player needed to be pinch hit for player Y because of reason Z is half the fun of the game

Or those dreaded middle innings when the back-end of the rotation starter is laboring just enough to let runners on base every inning but not enough to take him out. Every at-bat seems to take five minutes because the pitcher always runs up the count, has to throw the ball to first base before every third pitch, and

Daddy issues upon daddy issues upon daddy issues

Bannon supposedly said in “Fire and the Fury” that Trump’s lawyers paid off around 100 women during the election to keep them quiet

D’Arcy was the only one on the band who would it Billy on his shit which explains s lot about their time together. Or now

That’s not fair to Axl

Notice too Billy’s used both Asian guitarists and other female bassists on his tours

There was a discussion like this last time there was a post about the reunion but the argument over D’Arcy mainly came down to how they were one of the few bands back then that tried to have some sort of visual component to the band, both in their outfits and their style. A lot of which came down to it being a

Considering how well D’Arcy has skewered Billy recently in interviews, this reunion is already off to a great start.

except for, you know, being in all the videos/photos/interviews they did during their hey day. Other than explaining in part why it’s taken so long for Billy to make peace with his former band members, the conception of the Smashing Pumpkins is him, James, Jimmy, and D’Arcy