
seat belt regulations, pffftttt...who needs them?

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Is it wrong that I would probably not hate watching this if it comes on because of my undying love of iZombie? Or that I’m sad being that being the star of a show on CW still means you have do to Hallmark Christmas movies that aren’t even on Hallmark?

I call Fake News on their liking Jews- if they really did, their accountant would be Jewish too

how’s the weather in Russia today?

after being accused multiple times of being a pediophile PLUS being quoted as saying nice things about slavery, how much damage could also being anti-semitic do?

The day Jared gets frog walked out of the White House is the day I break out the bottle of champagne and spray it all over the living room in celebration

One of the few things that’s keeping me going these days is finding out who’ll be indicted first: Don Jr. or Jared Kushner.

The state thing is genius. Among other things, it allows the states to start penalizing people they find guilty by taking their money so even if Trump doesn’t get impeached, NY State could take all of his money away

At this point, I could probably prosecute the entire administration in a court just from what’s been reported by the press. At this point, he’s (openly) toying with the administration to make sure they know he knows and if they try anything, he’s going to unleash hell on them

it’s a shame too because I’m sure whatever Trump does in Asia will be embarassing enough he won’t need the Russia stuff to make him look like an even bigger idiot

Mueller’s been putting all of his ducks in a row, his dots on the i’s, and crossing his t’s. If he hasn’t done something about it, it’s only because he’s working on something that’ll tighten that noose even tighter around our Orange Overlord’s neck.

Problem with the Evil Elf being taken down is as awful and racist as he is, AG Guiliani would have no problem firing Mueller. Sessions’ recusal is the only thing keeping the investigation going.

I think Mueller knows which is why you should replace Mueller with “the press” as they still seem to treat every revelation that the Trump campaign was basically running a campaign office out of Moscow with a mixture of never-ending surprise and the defensive that comes from being played throughout the entirety of

It’s statements like these that prove that old people should just never say anything, even if that person is a legend

Radiohead did SNL around the time Kid A came out and played National Anthem and Idioteque in all of those song’s weird, messy, glory. Why that performance sticks in my memory is because at that very moment, MTV was airing a release party for Limp Bizkit’s “Chocolate Starfish...” at the Playboy Mansion and you could

I know it’s kind of a problematic thing to say, but baseball always feels like a Chinese Water Test, just a slow drip, drip, drip of tension that ever slowly increases only for it to all disipate in one glorious moment or two of joy. And then the slow torture begins again

And whenever somebody says “could not be further from the truth” in a statement like it’s usually a dead giveaway that it’s pretty darn close to the truth

While definitely true and definitely a huge problem with the sport, you can say the same thing about basketball (there’s only at most four teams who are really serious contenders every year) or baseball (see, the Dodgers). It’s just more pronounced in international soccer

Aderwald will be the first out the door as it’s his contract that’s up and the one in which he will probably not get nearly paid for what he’s worth.