
White Progressive Hero Man was going to be skewered and gutted alive by a Republican Party that had a huge file on his life. Besides, Bloomberg threatened to run if Bernie was elected and who knows what would have happened

The Human Fund!

Flynn is basically General Jack D. Ripper from “Dr. Strangelove.” Among other things he’s done, he apparently used his position to investigate BENGHAZI. He also doesn’t really like Jews

If it’ll make you feel better, part of the conspiracy involved Satanic rituals involving John Podesta

Don’t forget that after the rumor started, the Alt-Right and 4Chan types scoured Wikileaks trying to find proof that it happened and after discovering no emails discussing the ring, decided that the word “pizza” (as in, “shall we order pizza”) was code for the whole thing which is how it somehow got linked with the

Reddit and 4Chan are proof that the internet is both the best and the worst thing ever

Trump actually said he wanted to keep entitlements as they were- it was one of the more interesting things about his campaign in that he wrote off large portions of the Republican agenda and exposed the gap between what the Paul Ryan wing wanted and what the actual Republican voters wanted. But then Ryan came to

Out of all the people posted, I have the least amount of sympathy for her. You have a female candidate who has literally spent her entire career fighting for women’s rights, discusses it in almost every speech, and is following a President who passed the Lilly Ledbetter act. And, yet, you chose the Orange Misogyst who

Actually, it’s turning out the turnout was pretty high, around 2012's numbers. it’s just most of Hillary’s turnout didn’t help her electorally

It’s not even that- take away Comey or Wiki and she probably wins. All this hand wringing, concern trolling, and re fighting the primary’s is silly when the whole thing might have come down to total and complete BS thrown at her by Comey and Putin. I mean Putin was literally conspiring with the Trump campaign and yet

Jefferson Beuragard Sessions III is a truly awful human being.

It’s actually a pretty common Alt-Right trope, to use their Islamaphobia and do a double lutz maneuver to say that it proves their feminist/LGBTQ bona fides. Like they really hate Islam in part because Moslems really hate minorities so that proves they love minorities!

Oh he definitely wants to know- how’s he going to negotiate real estate deals with foreign countries if he doesn’t know which ones they are?

Yeah, there’s thousands of people in Silicon Valley who probably nodded their heads in agreement to most of those quotes

There’s actually a bit of Trump in St. Ronnie- occasional dips in the racist pool, dysfunctional relationships with facts, and celebrity power. When he was elected, a big part of the country was terrified he’d start WWlll because nobody knew if he was as crazy as he sometimes sounded

I don’t know. I tend to see the context in some of his decisions (Red State Governor, practicing Catholic) and overlook all of that because of a lifetime dedicated to progressive causes and actually achieving progressive results. But if you want to use some sort of purity test to some guy who did volunteer work in

Ever since the election, everybody’s used whatever views they hold to be the only narrative that matters. If you’re a Bernie-fan, you believe that Super Progressive White Guy would have rallied the troops with his long speeches on income inequality. If you’re the kind of person who sees racism and sexism everywhere,

The idea that Super Progressive Man would win over the WWC with discussions of wage stagnation is to forget the entire thread if the election where Orange Man said openly racist things to cheering crowds is a bit of a fantasy.

And the polling shows that Comey lost her a couple of points in the election. If he hadn’t of done something completely unprecedented for still unknown reasons, she wins

Because he had a deep and long standing history of civil rights activism?