
Polls always seem to tighten close to the end of the election because everybody “comes home” and finally settles on the person at the top of their party. I’m just going with the belief that since it appears the Trump camp seems to already have sent their resumes out is evidence enough not to get too worried. 

She voted for Obama and has been a huge supporter of Planned Parenthood. The claim she’s a Republican is some weird rumor that’s been going around for ages

It was the Buffy Bot

I like this Manfred guy. He’s a big improvement on the walking corpse that was Bud Selig. Bud would have created a committee that would have never been heard from again

I think so too. The longer the games and the longer the commercial breaks, it’s easier to be more aware of how bad the level of play is and when all that other stuff is going on, it’s easier to be aware just how violent the sport is. The crisper the game is played, the less you notice other things.

Yeah, I grew up in NL cities so always rooted for NL teams but I always had an AL team that I rooted for because it was like a whole other league back then. Even now, it’s still different and it’s way of caring about what’s going on in the AL.

Not mentioned was integrated baseball. This will be the first time the Cubs will appear in the WS with non-white players

Just whatever you do, don’t turn into Red Sox fans. Don’t blow it out now when the whole country is excited for you

2016 is like God took a year off to go on a crack bender

Everything you need to know about Hillary, the political press, and her realtionship to it- in a response to a fairly sensible answer about her sports fandom, Andrew Fucking Sullivan mocks her for it

The level of play has been shit for years and I feel like it’s only occurring to people now that it’s been this way.

These Cubbies aren’t quite as “loveable” as the other Cub’s teams. Take away a title, and they’re as annoying as the Red Sox can be- boy wonder GM who GM’s in a way that makes stat heads cream, a manager seen as genius for doing things like having theme nights where all the players were costumes, tons of money to

I think there’ll be two iconic photos of Obama that we’ll remember over the years- this one and the one of him bending over to let an African American child feel his hair. If those are the two most iconic photos of your Presidency, you did it right.

If it does, that’ll take away about 1/3 of Bill Simmons’ jokes

I’m not sure I’m ready to live in a world where either the Indians or the Cubs are World Series winners


I kind if agree- this country would have a healthier democracy if the Republicans were sane. It’s much easier to do something about global warming, for instance, because one of the parties is throwing a bit fit.

There seriously needs to be a running tally of how many times an anchor person/reporter lost it while talking to either Trump or a Trump spokesperson because Brooke Baldwin isn’t the only one.

They’ve basically admitted that over the entire campaign-something which feels like has lasted longer than the entire run of Law & Order- they never took the time to read or watch a news story about Clinton or Trump other than what they see on Facebook or in talking to other people. The idea that this is one of the

Seriously, at this point, saying you’re an “Undecided Voter” is another way of saying “I don’t pay attention to politics or the news and frankly, if you asked me the only thing I know about how government works is from Schoolhouse Rock. Frankly, I’m an idiot”