
A lot of W’s schtick came from that- the faux-cowboy posing, the “I’m a decider” line, the bashing of anyone who dared criticize the Iraq invasion for their lack of patriotism and insufficient honoring of the victims of 9/11.

The tricky thing about Klinsmann as Technical Director is that if it doesn’t look as if he’s doing a good job at it as the US-23 won’t be the Olympics. It’s also hard to know if he’ll be able to do it as he’s burned a lot of bridges with the MLS (who supposedly he’s never actually met with) and people in the USSF who

That’s partly because Red States and Republicans ruin everything and partly because people let them by not voting when the people who ruin everything run. It’s also because there’s been a lot of incremental changes already going on but people are either not aware of them or wish they happened sooner and better. Again,

Sorry I ruffled your poor, sensitive Bernie buttons but yes, “Pie in the Sky” stuff. Single Payer is “Pie in the Sky” because it’ll never happen. And you can even argue that Bernie’s saying this stuff not because he even thinks it’ll never happen but because by saying stuff like that, he could push ye ole “Overton

No, it’s actually the crux of the debate between the two, back before everybody hated each other. Bernie’s plans are shooting for the moon, going big and idealistic. Hillary’s for a more pragmatic, incremental style of governance. It’s whether it’s better to go for the perfect or whether you should don’t let the

It’s not like this argument isn’t being said in about hundreds of different blogs/forums (including this one). it’s also true that a lot of the people who are all “Bernie or Nothing” are not the ones who would be directly affected by whatever awful chicanery Trump will inflict. Like people who have health insurance

the irony is Klinsmann’s identified a lot of those issues and has talked about ways to improve upon them. It’s also one of the reasons why he was brought in because with both Bayern and the German National Team, he did a really good job of rebuilding their infrastructure (only to get fired because he was a really

Except with the theory that somewhere out there is an incredibly talented and devoted group of football players who all want to sign with the Texans and will do so at any minute now...any minute now....any minute now....

Yeah, the question of tactics is one of the big issues between the Bernie/Hillary sides and I still remember the great debate over Obama bailing on the Public Option during the ACA debates and see how they align with the current debates.

I can actually agree with a bunch of that but I think people might have expected too much out of him when he took office (he always preached the importance of consensus and pragmatism even while running) or at least got disappointed when he had to move from campaigning to the actual gritty realities of politics, made

Obama gave us health care, sweeping changes in environmental policy and efforts to fight global warming, better financial reform than he’s given credit for, the stimulus which helped bail out the economy (and led to a lot of infrastructure being built, including all the roads near my apartment), helped advance civil

That’s ridiculous and a fantasy, especially if Sanders was stuck with a GOP controlled House/Senate. Everything- everything- in politics has been settled by compromising of some sort. Yelling louder gets you nowhere, hunkering down and trying to negotiate something that works for everyone involved is the only way to

Can someone do some work to see if any of them have an American parent? Jurgen might need them.

Whatever your feelings about Bernie and Hillary are, four to eight years of political folk protest music and/or aging Boomer nostalgia is going to be a huge step down after eight years of somebody who could quote hip-hop lyrics and make Game of Thrones references in speeches.

By all accounts, in private or in small settings she can be the total opposite of how she’s portrayed- funny and personable. It’s just that years and years of dealing with sexist takedowns, a media that intensely dislikes her, and 30 years worth of Republican shittiness to her has made her afraid to actual show any of

That meme is all over Facebook these days- “EVERYONE OF MY FACEBOOK FRIENDS IS VOTING FOR BERNIE SO IT MUST BE THE CORPORATE OLIGARCHY THAT IS KEEPING HIM FROM WINNING!!!” The fact that there might be people who don’t live in there Bernie Bubble world never occurs to them.

Katich went on to add:

Considering I’ve seen this story or various stories like this every time I read a British paper every month since Mouhrino I’m dubious about this as the other story I’ve seen published every day since the fall was that Ronaldo, Neymar, and Messi were all headed to the Premiere League. United bringing on Mouhrino just

Has she interviewed him, though? Kelly went at him at a debate watched by millions? Also, Maddow’s not exactly Trump’s type

But where else will I truly learn the Right Way to Play Baseball and the Unwritten Rules? You can’t just pick that stuff up by playing Little League.