
It’s just Sports Journalism 101

not to mention the horde of mostly white alumni and college football fans who would think the players are just being uppity

Let me fix this for you:

Or maybe all these Americans are buying into Eurpean teams because there’s only a finite number of MLS teams and they all have owners and it’s pretty easy to pick off a second or third rate European team?

Like every true blue Soccer hipster, they’ve probably decided to become Arsenal fans over the past 2-3 years of following the sport

Benioff & Weiss have always said 7 seasons and as GRRM even said in interviews, it was originally contracted for around that many seasons. His saying he was promised 10 seasons- something I’ve never heard before- is another instance where it sounds like he’s blaming other people for his inability to finish the book.

There’s other things to consider other than Benioff & Weiss’ possibly being burnt out. One of the biggest being the actors and having them contracted for a full 10 years, especially as Kit and Emilia are eyeing Hollywood millions. Not many shows (maybe ever) have had their actors tied down for that long. The contracts

Benioff & Weiss were given full permission by GRRM to start the series when they did- they couldn’t have begun it without George’s permission. When George agreed to let them do the show, he was confident he’d finish the whole thing by the time the series ended. Obviously, he did not. In other words Benioff & Weiss are

She’s the worst

I’m usually okay when turbulence hits but I’m way more scared of turbulence when I get on the plane because I’m scared of what might happen and way more scared when it’s one of those flights where the turbulence comes and goes because, like you, it’s the not knowing when the next bump might come that scares me

“Well, she’s got no experience, destroyed the company she ran and got fired because of it, but she rooted for Iowa in the Rose Bowl so I guess I’ll vote for her”

I think that’s definitely the case. The last two books felt a bit like filler you’d find in the mid part of a TV series

Not mentioned, of, course, is just who the party was that fought health care tooth and nail and which one passed an actual plan

Then maybe he should have left it at three books like he originally planned? Nothing’s that happened since then has given people the confidence that he knows where all of this is going

There was a rumor that he had finished the book and was going to have it published this winter. Supposedly, he really wanted to reveal Jon Snow’s fate before the TV show and HBO was willing to push the start of the season back a few months to help him out. But then he just came out and said he’s been too busy getting

He did just throw his wife under the bus, much for honor

Also it’s the NFL. The only time people care about the “integrity of the game” in football is when it affects their bets

Dude went to Europe for “experimental” surgery to fix a busted neck. I just assumed he was on some sort of steroid

also striking out in the bottom of the ninth with runners on base during a playoff game

River was actually more like the River in this episode in S5 so she felt in character. Remember, she’s first introduced escaping from a spaceship after stealing something (I think) and escaping into the Tardis. She remains that way in Pandorica/Big Bang, often playing jokes on the Doctor and coming off like she was a