
Earnest Byner holds onto the ball

I don’t even mean as a young teen even. I’m just thinking about how we have all been in situations where we had to be quiet and just suffer through it in hopes it gets better. It’s a stretch but you can see her situation in something like being stuck in a job you hate. We can’t really envision going around killing

Frankly, the main reason why I'm so into the shows is because I'm waiting for the scene where they reunite and it'll be puppy dogs and rainbows from thereon out

Mel bugs me because murderous shadow babies are dumb. Also, I hate her religion and think she's a fraud

I like her story because in a weird sort of way, she's the most "relatable" character in the books/shows because she doesn't have one of those blood-thirsty revenge-minded plotlines (so far) or the supernatural or the struggle for the Throne, just a girl stuck in a really bad situation trying her best to survive. It's

I still don't get what's wrong with the GM texting people in games. I don't know what strategic advantage it holds and if, in this case, it's basically a bunch of "LOL, the play calling," it just makes the GM look more like an idiot than anything else

I hear Gareth Bale might be available

And yet...millions of American males sat down on their couches to watch this

I think this goal was the one where he said "it was a radiant pass....and a celestial finish"

Putin very cleverly bribed FIFA officials full well knowing that Qatar was bribing officials for the WC in 2022, thus ensuring that the WC in Russia won't look as bad as it is in comparison

Barcelona was clicking so well and Messi so great that I felt they were toying with City. Like if Neymar didn't futz around trying to do something pretty, the game could easily have been 6-0. They're terrifying to watch and back to the being the greatest show on earth

I don't think the fact that Ollie brought back a dying Malcolm Merlyn and just LEFT HIM ON HIS COUCH with Thea there cannot be highlighted enough. I mean, somebody who blew up part of the Glades, turned Thea into a killer, killed Sara afterwards, and still has several people trying to kill him is just crashing in

I totally agree. This season is a hot mess plot wise causing each episode to be an even hotter mess in an attempt to try and undo the hot mess they've already created. Nothing illustrates the problems with this season more than the explanation for why Merlyn used Thea to kill Sara or why Merlyn can't be killed and,

After reading the proposals, one could only think that NFL owners are really bored and have nothing else to do with toying with things in their sport because there is absolutely nothing else to worry about. Absolutely. Nothing.

Also....lifetime health insurance

As always, LOL NFLPA

Maybe not exactly. I always thought the Greyjoys would be hard to film because of the budget it would entail due to adding more actors but adding boat sets and lots of CGI effects to show them doing what they do. Sansa's supposedly going to Winterfell in part of it's cheaper to have her there because the set already

interesting, yes, but totally not worth doing in a TV series when you have limited amounts of time and limited amounts of characters to get to

Believe it or not, I have read the books. Twice sometimes and, no, I didn't pick up on it. The fact a lot of people didn't pick up on it, including the author of the piece, shows that it's problematic and symptomatic of a larger issue. Storytelling-wise, the even bigger issue is that you can't just drop a

Yeah, my feeling in books 4 and 5 was that he lost the thread and was having trouble reclaiming it or at least realized he couldn't. They reminded me a bit of some of more meandering moments in Lost (like most of S2 or early-to-mid S3) where stuff was happening but there was no hint that there was any reason for it to