
Oh man, it's been two days since anybody's released a press release or spoken to a Hollywood magazine about any of this. I was enjoying the silence

That's video is pure joy- he totally and fully commits to it so much I could never hate him.

But without dancing before an event, the world would never have gotten this

at least they found a decent place to sleep

someday we'll look upon the not so benevolent days of the NFL Empire and consider them the good ole days. Well, except for the players who won't remember any of it

Broncos were neither clear of eye or full of heart tonight

There's been a bunch of lawsuits already filed in High School football and at least five in college and my guess is it's only the beginning. The NFL might think they're immune to all of this but I don't know how many High Schools or colleges can handle all the lawsuits.

do you even pay attention to what football players endure or are you too busy waiting for Goodell to throw actual lions into the field because players aren't getting banged up enough for your taste.

/patiently waits for all the people who attacked NFL players complaining about health care issues after they retire to tell Lincoln Kennedy he shouldn't complain because he chose to play football and should stop whining instead

but most of those players you keep on claiming are superrich often have completely broken down bodies and oftentimes completely broken down brains so it's not like they're going to lead a normal, natural life like the rest of us. In other words, they're in for a lifetime of various sorts of pain and ailments with no

this show doesn't get enough credit for making something virtually unfilmable into something that not only works as a TV show but is as good as it is. I mean, just from the standpoint of the acting and writing, it's as good as anything else on TV

That's the thing about her character- if she was Arya, she would have been killed in a day or two. But Sansa manages to navigate her horrible, horrible situation (and I always felt that she had the toughest guy out of all the characters) simply by knowing the only way to survive it to fall on all of her training and

the sappy endings actually worked, though, because somehow Murder House and Asylum did a decent enough job of character work to end. Sure, the ending to S1 was nutters, but nutters in a fun and S2's finale was actually kind of sweet and strangely moving. Since the show never established any of the characters, it

I think what makes them work so well is they actually separate them a lot and each have lives outside of each other so the show doesn't become them having a relationship but about two characters who happen to be married. Being married to each other is just part of their character. The issues that New Girl and Mindy

I hope they find the guy(s) who did it so they can give them a Heisman award

but I thought everyone associated with PEDS would never get the majority of votes?

It'll never happen- each extra point takes about ten minutes because of all the commercials and if they lose it, where will all those commercials go? Won't somebody think about the commercials?

Everyone thought McDeire and Sosa was cute and wrote glowing tributes to Clemens but as soon as Bonds started breaking records, that's when people started screaming for Bud to do something. Then there's also the fact he somehow is help up as Mr Steroid despite all the other users and the fact Clemens is also a huge

Is it weird to be happy that the Stark kids are there and looking great because it's a nice break from all the horrible things that have happened to them?

They shouldn't try and make Goodell angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry