
the thing about the Vanity Affair story was that it came off as written by somebody who was personal friends with the family and just basically wrote a fawning story based on whatever they told the writer without really digging into anything (there's just a line or two about how they found no evidence Woody actually

I love Kate Upton's boobs just because they're completely trolling the fashion industry right now. She's an SI cover girl and probably the most famous model around but the fashion industry doesn't know what to do with her because of her body and say nasty things about her. Her and her wonderful breasts just keep

Hiring the guy who bailed on you once and quit on NFL team sure doesn't make Louisville look desperate, nosiree Bob

That's because the Raiders never ever made any penalties, they were all part of a giant conspiracy against Al Davis

probably lots of it too

So Winston raped Santa too?

and it would be organic, free-trade coffee

See that's the thing about CTE, it basically fries players brains to the point where killing either themselves or killing other people (Chris Benoit the wrestler had it and he murdered his family). If Belcher had CTE, then he's sick and f'ed in the head. You can't damn him if that's the reason

Simmons was great fun when he started but he's basically that guy who's got one schtick and never really quite grew out of it. I get it, you really liked Teen Wolf. It's not just that- he needs to get somebody to edit that 9,000 word essay, drop the same culture references, write like you've been paying attention to

Yay! It's good to know I'm now only the second person who wants horrible things to happen to the NFL

This is why I'm having trouble watching football- half the stuff called or reviewed is so ticky-tack that it shouldn't matter in the end. They should just go to playground rules or something where if it's a great catch, let him have it instead of analyzing just where the tip of his foot grazed the edge of the out of

I'm not sure they're "competitors" as it's always easy to get angry about being taken out of a game for injuries when you're all shot up on roids and pain killers

I never had a problem with the shouty speeches- the two in S5 were actually kind of fun and the one in Pandorica was more like him making things up to stall for time. My issue was always that the more complicated Moffat's stories were and the more complicated the arc, the more exposition Smith had to spew out so

But that's what was the compelling parts of Angels in Manhattan. The Doctor could always count on Amy to take his side and the Doctor is used to getting what he wants in part because he could figure it out. For this one time, Amy decides to leave the Doctor and for this one time, somebody didn't want to risk

What I've always loved about Buffy and why she's miles above all the "strong women" you see on TV or in movies is that she's pretty girlish. She likes to shop for clothes, gets upset when nobody notices her yummy sushi pajamas, and crushes on Angel. She is portrayed as vulnerable and not tough (although she's super

I present to you, the San Francisco Giants and their 100% privately owned and built stadium. Why other cities don't just say "San Francisco did it" everytime some owner begs for money I just don't know

And so frickin what? You mean a bunch of women who read a site about women might get upset because the Heisman winner reeks of being a rapist but didn't because he's a star football player? Ha Ha Ha, LOL Jezebel.

I've been hit pretty hard by the recession so while my wife and I are somewhat comfortable, we don't have a lot of financial padding. The way I see it is we can either retire or have a kid. If we have a kid, every extra bit of money goes to the child and not retirement and vice versa. And if we have a kid, there

Considering how much I hate when the refs review a play and disappear underneath the hood for about five minutes (which I'm guessing is mandated by the NFL as an excuse to run more commercials) only to come out and explain why something you saw as being obvious isn't due to some technical and overly anal

Wait, JFK had sex with his wife? Did Marilyn know?