
Next up? An entire fashion trend inspired by Family Ties

Watch when they do the writer awards at the Emmys- they're primarily all white males. Same with the Daily Show, same with SNL (duh), same with Letterman and Fallon. It's kind of surprising in the case of Colbert and Stewart because they come off as such progressive minded people

I heard next month's bit charity this month is for "White People Who Got Caught Saying the 'N Word" To honor this horrible malady, NFL refs, coaches, and players will all wear black face in support of those brave survivors

Has Goodell fined any of the English people involved yet?

Obviously saw a few too many Guy Ritchie movies

don't forget more commercial time in between innings and the Tony LaRussa strategy of their never being enough relievers to pitch in any inning of the game

Matheny did retire due to concussions so.......maybe not so awesome

I always felt Selig's biggest failure has been steroids but it's inability to keep up with the NBA and NFL in terms of marketing. The league couldn't market for sh— and it's one of the reasons why it's become more of a regional game than national. Oh sure, the ratings will be up for this Series but they'll still

As a Giants fan who also happened to hate the late 80's A's, this might have been the only time I cheered and was happy for the Dodgers

Hate the player, not the game. Giants are just protecting themselves. Wolff's just trying to make more money off of real estate development. The team could play in Oakland in a sec if Wolff even cared about Oakland but since he doesn't, we're where we're at. Don't know why A's fans blame the Giants for their owner

Thank you for this, Drew- one cannot heap enough crap at the Cardinals, a team that's main WS victories came about more by the other team imploding than anything they actually did themselves. They're the kid in school who gets decent grades mainly by schmoozing with enough teachers to make them think they're smart

laugh now but when our government finally collapses under it's own incompetence, Generallimismo Goodell will take over the country and quickly invade Britain to force them into watching American Football

Is there a more worthless franchise in sports? They're consistently good and consistently well run but they can't win when they need to and apparently can't even honor one of their own. I'd say that I hope this turns into the Curse of the Chipper but they can't choke more than they already do

and Francona who had Ramirez and Ortiz and whomever was managing the Dodgers at the time because half of them were juicing. Actually, you could pretty much say that's true of every manager then.

you stay classy, Dodgers

Tennant could be Shatneresque in his delivery and he often came off more like a superhero than some weird 900 year old guy. Smith's Doctor was maybe too hyped up but he was also more alien-like, and could stop like a dime and either bad-ass or dark (think of the Pandorica Opens and Big Bang with his threatening

theoretically, S7 Buffy was supposed to move into a position of leadership and learn what it's like and what it takes to be a leader. Joss said it was based upon his experiences and Sarah's experiences in having to deal with all the crap in being the lead person. Interesting, no? But in doing so, they flat-lined

When I moved to the Bay Area at the beginning of the Seifert era, I remember one year in which I think it was the Cowboys knocked the Niners out of the playoffs to go to the Superbowl. That night, local news started their coverage with the local news gal saying "boy, it sure doesn't seem like a Super Bowl without the

Isn't that one of the appealing things about him? That you don't imagine him freaking out over something and starting two wars because of it and instead see him carefully and cautiously thinking things through and saying "nah, that would be stupid?"

Can't help you much on either of those questions as I live in the US and a friend who lives there handled much of it- I have no idea if there's some sort of StubHub type Al