
Our coffee machine is some foodservice version that only makes full pots and is literally idiot-proof. The coffee for it comes prepacked - literally no measuring. The water reservoir just needs filled to the line - literally no measuring. The "on" button says "on."

good job rose well done way to argue and way to also words

The literal entire point of the article is that both sides have people who are so myopic and rage-filled that the argument is well lost. And you, my dear, are not helping your side. Like at all. Not a wee bit. Nada.

"I'm sorry if the analogy offends anyone. I don't believe it's offensive"


Did you just compare me, a black man, to a fucking animal? You son of a bitch! Now I'm going to eat a damn brisket sandwhich, FUCK YOUR ENVIRONMENT!!

Are there any studies to indicate whether or not they enjoy their everlasting torment?

They did. His name was Juan Pablo, and he was an inspiration.

she has her billion dollar company to fall back on

An Open Letter to My Ex's Wife:

I have no problem with a man bribing a woman to have an abortion. He didn't want to be a dad. He asked her to have an abortion. He provided an incentive, because he realized he really, REALLY, REALLY didn't want to be a dad. She decided she wanted to be a mom, and tough cookies to him. Now that the child exists and is

Ok. So? He voiced a very valid opinion about a situation that will effect the rest of his life when the situation was brought to his attention. I don't care if he suggested she abort to cover his infidelity, or because the baby was conceived on a Wednesday and everybody knows Wednesday babies have higher thetan

I don't know if you've ever worked as a baker, but traditionally we are only allowed to use one standard carton of 12 eggs per day. That's why it's such a difficult career path - you must learn to budget the dozen eggs to last through the entire day.

I can relate to Kim, because one time I had dinner with my husband and his coworkers and they talked about insurance all night and I ended up in tears. My tears were a result of complete and utter boredom as opposed to feeling left out of the conversation, but you know potato potahto.

Eating a pint of ice cream by yourself is shameful, eating a quart in one sitting is just damn impressive.

She's equal opportunity as far as rape goes... Jaime is at risk of getting raped at every turn too, so at least there's that.

Ditto. (Not yours. I will not call your vagina anything. I will refer my vagina as a Moon Pantry.)

I thought Methodists were pretty chill, tho?

I don't have all the time in the world to read the whole article (taking an excel break at work honestly - my eyes hurt haha), but this is an important subject to me - I'm a large black guy - 6'6 - who on the surface could fit a lot of stereotypes - to the point that I purposely hide them "Yeah I was just listening to

Lol, I left almost your exact comment, ETA and all!