
I listened to that the other day! He made me feel better about my weird urges to do dangerous/socially unacceptable things and I also liked the part when he talked about people coming up to him after talks wondering if they have ocd too. "Does [whatever they mentioned] disrupt your life? No. Then you don't have

I have seen it happen with a kid with selective mutism, and it was pretty great.

So this is gross - according to my local news, a hospital where I had two scoping procedures last year has not been cleaning the scopes properly for the past three years. I know it was a year ago. I know I didn't pick up any diseases, but eww.

she ate mine + hers and she wasn't drunk I was! Looking back the whole thing was hilarious but she was the worst. I oddly don't regret it though because its a belting story.

So I'm Australian so feel free to bash away, but I am gobsmacked at the "child safety" priorities here. Every day I read on my newsfeed in the US about mass school shootings of children, children shooting each other at home, a 2 year old shooting their mother in Walmart, accidental death of 6 year olds playing with

Hokay, I've been waiting to jump in on comments for YEARS (I was really bad a double dutch as a kid) and I feel that this may be my moment.

The guy whose "thing" was being barefoot all the time. Barefoot Dave.

Word, Miranda. I hate being respected. I just want to be cherished by being wrapped up in a blanket like the lady-baby I am and kept from all the bad things in the world.

Yeah, see, no. Does that dog really look like it's in mortal danger and in need of rescuing? I have never understood how Americans seem to find more empathy for literal dogs that its own citizens.

I really, honestly can't find the energy to be outraged about this. The kid doesn't know any better and dogs are pretty hardy. My cousin used to ride his dog like a horse. Sorry, for the one and only time, I am Team Palin.

I was waiting to get into school, living back home for the first time since I was 17. I needed a job to keep me busy as shit, on a different time schedule than my folks as we barely got along. So I took a job working for Target, stocking shelves at night.

I worked at a fairly large cadillac dealership in the service department. The service department consisted of a very long building with service stalls on both sides and the dispatch office (where I worked) was right in the middle. I was one of the very few females employed in this department. It was a fun job but

If you look closely, she's in her right boot.

Do you consider cooking for your man or canning peaches to be feminist acts? Because I've sort of found that if someone comes even sorta kinda close to saying they do, they get a ton of commenters telling them that just because they do something while being a feminist, doesn't make that act feminist. So I can see how

I already went that route many times. I did find a behaviorist company a town over and we are going to call them in the morning. I really do love the dog and I feel like this is 99% his fault bc the dog has had issues for years. He's not consistent with the dog and like another poster said, it's a tragedy waiting to

I also love her reaction to meeting Idris Elba. Her entire body is seizing up. She's about one glass of wine away from climbing him like a fucking tree.

I'm certain you can find a way to despise Marky Mark without direspecting Mr. Trinh.

I have this belief about the world that is predicated on the idea that most people are as decent, professional and as honourable as they generally can be. But this week, after these Sony email leaks, I've had to radically reasses just how unbelievably fucking naive I actually am. I mean, I didn't think I was stupid. I

Disgusting penis? Pretty harsh...

They really and truly believe it's murder. I keep telling other pro-choice and progressives that they HAVE to get that if they want to understand what we're up against. If you don't understand that they honestly believe what they believe, hypocritical or not, you'll always underestimate their fervor and their