
I thought it was a noble sacrifice. “I’m going down! Here’s some traction; save yourselves!”

*slams fist on the table*

News flash blackflag/Jalopnik:


On the highway especially, I rarely hear motorcycles on their approach. Between road noise, my radio, and the fact that the vehicle behind ME is projecting sound behind IT, it just doesn’t work.

5. Build this.

New drink: The Andrew Collins

hahaha they said dongle

hahaha they said dongle

Also horse vaginas

A) What did he do to piss car dude off?

awful wheels

Don’t worry. We’ve already dispatched one of our best men to handle it.

I feel like there isn’t a certain thing that makes a car fun. My M3 is fun because it makes nice noises and handles like its on rails. At the same time my dad’s lifted Silverado is fun because of just how ridiculous it is to drive at eye level with semi drivers.

Oh Mother Russia, is there anything you won’t attempt to turn into a military vehicle?

I like my coupes in wagon form... best of both worlds.

Guac blasted the rear end off that car like it has blasted the rear ends off Chipotle regulars.

The only thing that resembles “Microbus” with this is calling it a “Microbus”. It looks like a Kia Soul. Secondly- I’d be a tad suspect about an Electric car made by a company that can’t even make reliable electric power windows.