Snack Dick Whitman

That's Not Yogurt.


I held my breath throughout the weekend Peggy-and-Don scenes, just waiting for Cutler or Joan or someone to pop in unexpectedly and find Don drinking. I should know better than to think Mad Men would engage in such sitcom-y tripe, but still.

It's hard to keep the auxiliary characters straight, so it's entirely possible that Clara had A Thing with one of the men at SC&P and I just don't remember it. But Scarlett's relationship with Harry was a centerpiece of an episode in S6, and I think that was referenced again, too…

Or masturbating gloomily.

But I never got the sense that Peggy wanted the kid in the first place. She barely had the career at the end of Season 1. It's hard to imagine that she gave the child up for adoption in order to fulfill some professional ambition that was all but impossible for a woman at that time (1960) to achieve.

Did anyone else pick up on Holocaust references? Harry references the "final solution" and Ginsburg says something about "they'll come for you" (OK, that's clearly a psychotic symptom, but still).