
Once again, time to debunk the myth. The Patriots aren’t strong because they play in a weak division. The division is weak because they all have to play the Patriots twice.

The US is situated about 7500 miles from Iran. Iran has never directly attacked the US. The Shah was not a US “ally”, he was put in place by CIA facilitated coup that overthrew the elected government. He was a murderous ruler who tracked and killed people around the world as well as in his country. He was put in

The "left/liberal" alliance is blessedly over. Pick a side.

He didn’t say anything about playing, slick.

One thing the British youtubers from Fully Charged heard from Porsche: “Repeatable Performance”.

The average American commute is a total of 32 miles per day.

I wish people would stop pretending like they need more range. Hell, 100 miles on battery is more than enough for 90% of Americans’ daily use.

Give my team six rings and I would chill the fuck out for life (or at least, I’d like to think I would).

They are quitting because it’s not up to them anymore.

What I genuinely don’t understand about your pov, and would love for you to address, is that changes in international capital and the predations of neoliberalism are also impacting your beloved western Europe.

Only the Palestinians remain trapped in ideological amber. How long can the world be expected to keep staring at this four-million-year-old mosquito?

Israel responded by knocking down her grandmother’s neighborhood and shooting another ten kids in the back with butterfly bullets.

He’s also the best president this country has had in a couple of generations.

if only someone had written a thousand pages on that topic

So are we supporting the Prime Day Strike, or no?

So are we supporting the Prime Day Strike, or no?

She’s thinking “I’m doing pretty well for someone who doesn’t support Medicare For All! Imagine if I were an actual progressive instead of a late-in-life convert from the ivory tower!

Stock prices can also fluctuate completely irrationally, because they are based on the behaviors of humans who are often irrational. Acting like stock price directly affects valuation, cash flow, and margins is showing how little you actually know.

Ok, bootlicker.

Actually, this is not correct. American Airlines has already received the cash from its initial offering of stock. What happens on the secondary market (the stock exchanges) does not impact American Airlines day-to-day operations. If the stock price falls, I’m sure investors would not be happy with their management,

“We get dirty, so the world stays clean.”

ITT: A bunch of liberals soaked in western propaganda. Communism literally LITERALLY saved the world in WW2.