
Back in 1999 I worked at a resort on Mt Hood and drove there every day in an ‘86 Jetta GLI with bald-ass tires (as broke mountain workers are wont to do); never had an issue. A little knowledge of the road, conditions, how your vehicle will handle in said conditions, and the absence of irrational fear will do wonders

That’s a valid point; but $1000 is no small amount of money to a lot of people. Would it be better to spend that money on a better type of all-terrain tire that has some winter driving leanings (like the Goodyear Assurance Weatherready or whatnot) than a dedicated snow tire if you are only facing maybe 3 or 4 days of

“Bits for tits and clits”

Literal interpretations are the best interpretations...

It was refereed to as the “Baby Bentley” frequently when it first came out, but more for semantics than any real comparison to form. 

“That’s an incredibly ill informed opinion.”

The idea dealerships are so corrupt you HAVE to look this information up yourself or they will actively screw you.

The infamous “reputable dealer”; spoken of much, observed in nature rarely...

“But why can’t he also want it to go away so that his company can continue to employ thousands of people?”

My wife snapped a pic of that at a hiking trailhead in Central Oregon, guess it had Idaho plates and got there under it’s own power. It confuses me greatly. 

“This is a company that has yet to ever have a profitable year, but then again, nobody else is doing what Tesla is doing right now with EVs.”


“Reuters spoke to say Nissan might show its first quarterly loss since 2009:”

Imagine this:

The closest she gets to “asking for help” is launching a ground assault to secure strategic resources forcefully...

I’m not happy about it either, but it is what it is. I learned long ago that my likes and dislikes aren’t in-step with the majority of the population; SUVs trudge on whether I like it or not. 

“This is a perfect case of Ferrari ass-showing: create an SUV nobody wants”

It was becoming a father that got me through P4 Golden! Our son wouldn’t sleep well if he wasn’t being held so I would cradle him in my arms sitting on the couch while holding the Vita playing P4...couple months of that burned a lot of game time!

This happens down the street where I live as well, if you leave your car unlocked with something in it it’ll likely get stolen; usually just shithead teenagers more than anything. They’re not in it to get caught so they aren’t breaking windows to get at stuff, from what we gather they just check doors and if there’s