
I sense you’re a fellow old person (i.e., ~30-40)“
*smacks his 49 year old gums and shakes his cane at this young whippersnapper*

If I don’t see a reference to an Armored Core game, then, no, it’s not a loveletter to ALL FromSoft games, thank you very much. :)

Soooo is the original artist getting compensated at all? ActiBlizz obviously made money off of the skin, and part of that money belongs to the artist.

The REALLY good thing with returning to WoW with Shadowlands is you won’t have to grind through all the expansions you missed. The level squish will let you get your toons up near max level in no time!

They..... could have fired him?

“So does this mean we should be overly cautious and conscious about our use of periods at the end of texts and instant messages? Not necessarily. We already have plenty to worry about. Thanks.”

Agreed. The visuals are beautiful. The story and dialogue are nice. I smile when playing, sitting on my big comfy chair. But when I hear the first few bars of “Those Who Fight” I’m in. I’m back to when I was 16. I’m bopping and the game is amazing and I’m happy.

I personally like Big McLargeHuge.

It’s the drive to get better and conquer the game. To actually feel your skills improve and to look back at the time when you started to when you can finally 1cc a game. I still remember playing weeks and weeks of Touhou 6 and being so happy when I finally beat it without using a continue.

It’s like... and I hate to

Woman: Throws an empty box.
Man: Slaps and punches her repeatedly.

Sounds like an appropriate response.

It was already mentioned in a different article.

Imagine being so entitled to think that ANY gaming corporation cares about you.

Corporations only care about money.  They’re legally required to.

Deck is inexpensive and effective.

Has no place in a game where you need expensive cards to win. /s

Sounds like someone’s struggling against Lady Butterfly.

You play land-destruction? That makes you what we call “a horrible person.”

I’m also a horrible person.  I play Grishoalbrand. 

Heyyyyy remember when women complained about how they were being represented in games like Tomb Raider and the like? Remember how people were like “If you don’t like it, don’t play it / If you don’t like it, make your own game?”

Hbomberguy, Philosophy Tube, Shaun, Contrapoints, and to a lesser extent Destiny are all good starting points for anti-anti-SJW youtubers.

“the Alliance has pulled some questionable stunts over the years.”

Um. Like what? Compared to slaughtering thousands when the orcs invaded Azeroth? Killing thousands more when blowing up Theramore? Tens of thousands with the burning of Teldrassil? Gilneas?

Please, tell me of these ‘questionable stunts’ that the