
Yes. I think about that clip whenever I need to sum up some confidence. If Kelly can run down fifth ave. with such blind faith that she won’t get hit by a car, surely I can ace this interview/presentation/whatever. I refuse to live in any other kind of world.

Satchels of gold!

I was home sick this past week with food poisoning and may or may not have watched that season over again, one of the best HW vacations, no question.

And ORGANIC (healthy) gummy bears!

Bring satchels of gold back!

THAT WAS WHAT I WAS THINKING. I’m just really curious as to whether that theory will hold up or not. I’m thinking it will.

i mean amber was a stripped for a long time. she can probably dance pretty well


Some Catholic. Sounds like he’s going to hell.

He’s like Kevin from Ghostbusters, but instead an evil man who tries to demonize gay people and women’s bodies to maintain male supremacy

Wow 95 years of hits!! How time flies!!

Laurie is the only one who stands a chance :))) she is wonderful :)

See I kind of like the glasses. They actually make me hate him less, which feels very weird.

holy shit

I have never in my entire life cared about this show, but now I am very invested because I hope he falls on his face during the first dance and breaks his face, his “look I’m smart now!”glasses, and his dick, and then goes away forever. He’s got blood on his hands after what he’s helped do to women in Texas. Fuck him.

And if the judges don’t appreciate his dancing, he has other ways of convincing them to keep him on the show.

He is going to be awesome on DWTS! Awesome!

Man, this is one of the weirdest and saddest lineups of “stars” so far. I look forward to Rick getting knocked out in the first round.

It’s season 23 of this garbage? Speaking of long-running garbage...

DWTS is precisely the political echelon Perry belongs in.