Smut Kaleidoscope

Dude tucked his belly into his pants. Gives a whole nother meaning to sporting a chubby.

There is an aspect of the human psyche that derives pleasure from inflicting cruelty on others. That wants to humiliate and dominate and inflict pain. It's present to some extent in all of us, and it's one of the major indictments of our species. Although it increases the likelihood of our extinction, it also makes

"It's hard to bargle nawdle zouss

Benghazi has "Nazi" right in it. It's like no one is even paying attention.

Ishammuddin HUSSEIN? Saddam HUSSEIN? Barack HUSSEIN Obama? Is no one else seeing the connection here?!?!?

I'm sure your column isn't so bad.

Given the effects of climate change, there are kids out there who won't even know there was a Miami.

I normally don't take my commenting too seriously, but I feel nothing but a sincere admiration for your actions and won't diminish that by joking around. You were vocal about your beliefs in support of a just cause, and lost your livelihood as a result. We should all be willing to take such risks. I wish you the best